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Banzai Escape News

Changes/Patch/Update on Banzai Escape

Changes/Patch/Update on Banzai Escape 8 March 2020

+Mp5 and Pistol now can do minor damage on Centurion core
+Laser room are now control using keyboard AWSD keys
+Slight changes to graphic appearance.

+Added hidden funder and missing voice actor into credits

+Physic hair fixed
+Fixed timer issues on vsync or non-vsync PC

Almost like free! But Dont Want It Free!

Hello Every Nyan!

What a good day today!
Since Banzai Escape 2 launched a week ago, we decided to make an awesome discount for Banzai Escape 1 game!

So why is it now?
Well some people probably don't know the story behind of Rokiahi mission, so this is a good chance to get to know about it before jumping into Banzai Escape 2. To some people who already play it, it might a good way to share the game to others as gift :)

Well Why not just make a free weekend play?
Well we are small company, we need to survive this harsh world too ya know! Although its fees almost like no profits, at least its help us a bit when lots of people playing / replaying it.

The most important, SHARE IT TO OTHERS!


A Friendly Froggy Reminder!

A reminder to buy the game! Discount almost over guys! :)


Banzai Escape 2 Released!

Good Day Everyone!

Today is a great day to celebrate!

Today is the day of Banzai Escape 2 released!
After taking about 4 years long development and developed with mostly about 2-3 peoples and now we managed to release it to the world!

Here's the game store page!

Thank you for all of you who are supporting us back then till now!
And We are sorry for lacking lots of news. The development took hell of our time in developing this game.
-But We consider this game as our grand masterpieces! We give lots of sweat on creating it!
Hope You Guys Will Enjoy it!

Yes! Nothing is perfect! Because our team is small, we are lacking man-powers and resource (money of course) to perfecting this game! So, expecting you will encounter some minor bugs. But we confident there’s no major bugs that make it unplayable!

And there’s more!
We also in process of integrating this game to the STEAM WORKSHOP!
Mod is fully functional, and there’s a tool inside game directory to allow player to start mod-ing. Sadly, no tutorial or documentation yet! But feel free to asking us, especially me (XenoAisam) on chat group on how to mod-ing

Banzai Escape 2 Chat Group:

No STEAM achievement? Don’t worry! We will integrate it in the future when the times comes! We hope you guy will play it and get the fun to the bottom of your heart!

Thank you once again!

Aisam :)

Banzai Escape 2 is about to release

Rejoice everyone! Banzai Escape 2 page on steam are now available! feel free to add into your wishlist and spread the words to the world!! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1230990/Banzai_Escape_2/

More info upon release dated

Probably 15 ~ 17 February 2020

Group chat are now available, feel free to join.


Thank you