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YIIK: A Postmodern RPG News

Announcing YIIK | Deviation Perspective I | Wrong Soul Requiem (v1.25)

YIIK v1.25 will be available on Steam on January 14th.

The changelog for YIIK v1.25 is extensive, so I’ll do my best to summarize it.

Combat Improvements
  • New combat style featuring a simplified main attack mini-game
  • New weakness system
  • General Game rebalance
  • Improved Rory’s usefulness in battle
  • Bosses tweaked to be more strategically unique

  • Added reduced monologue story mode
  • Added Sensitive content warning
  • Added Sensitive content toggle
  • Added Easy mode
  • Added Auto text advance
  • Removed screen flashing
  • General bug fixes
  • Fixed bugs with side quests

  • Story teases for v1.5
  • Some new beats
  • Less lemonade

We incorporated player feedback when preparing this update. We would like to thank the YIIKcord Discord for their help in testing the game and providing meaningful feedback, and all who have emailed us their love for the game, along with some great suggestions.

After our discussions with the community, we focused on improving combat speed, balancing and strategy, squashing and polishing common bugs, and improving pacing.

We have created a reduced monologue edit of the game to address the last issue. We did our best to include story-critical monologues while preserving the original intent. During the opening questionnaire, players will have the option to choose between the original edit and the reduced monologue edit.

The new combat style features a simplified mini-game for basic attacks, character affinities, and weaknesses. The game now defaults to the new combat, with the option to turn on the original mini-game attacks, disable affinities and weaknesses on a character-by-character basis in the Config Menu, under Deep Strike.

While the update’s primary focus was combat and QOL fixes, YIIK v1.25 also features a drastically reworked scenario in the Sewer Dungeon accessible in Chapter 2. The change further expands on the game's lore and improves the quality of the original scene.

YIIK Deviation Perspective I Wrong Soul Requiem is the title we have prepared for the YIIK v1.25 update.

A Deviation Perspective is the “classic” YIIK scenario told from another perspective.

Players hoping to be surprised should skip the minor spoilers in the next section.

For this Deviation Perspective, we chose to focus on the Golden Alpaca. The scene is now told from the tonal perspective of a fictional IP in the YIIK Universe, from which the Golden Alpaca originates.

[h3]38XX PPC Electric City Golgotha: Crucifusion
A Film Synopsis[/h3]

The 30 pieces of bloodless silver have been stolen. With these tempest metals, any evil deed, no matter how transcendental, can be brokered.

Arcangelo Alpaca, Interdimensional Demi-god, Savior of Shattered Space, must travel through dangerous dimensions and diabolical hellscapes of terror and awe to stop the thieves before it’s too late.

In the far reaches of reality lies his destination: Electric City Golgatha. A seedy underbelly of Angel Stocks, and Digital Soul Vessels. At the center of this debauchery is the COUNCIL OF DIMENSION BIZARRE ESQUIRE.

The motive and identity of the silver thieves are known only to this Shadow Firm.

By Holy Judgement’s Blade, he will track down the King and Queen seeking to make the dastardly purchase, no matter the risk.

Armed with the All-Seeing Eyes of God and Gleaming Fur, the Golden Warrior will travel to the ends of time and space to prevent a corporate merger from hell.

We have cast D.C. Douglas (Yoshikage Kira, Albert Wesker, Grimoire Noir) to portray the Golden Alpaca.

We look forward to you getting to meet the new Golden Alpaca.

YIIK v1.5 will include more Deviation Perspectives that similarly expand on and improve the original content. Please look forward to future announcements regarding this update.

You can also look forward to the YIIK | Deviation Perspective I | Wrong Soul Requiem Official Soundtrack, which includes a short story about the Golden Alpaca, his origins, and the greater YIIK universe.

album art by Brian Allanson

Featuring vocalists Amelia Jones, and Sapphire.

The soundtrack contains 18 new works. I have composed twelve of them, with the remainder composed by guest musicians Trevor Dalton Moore, Cheryl Stelli, Justin Rosin, and Brendan Kingsley.

Pre-orders are available now.

We hope you look forward to YIIK v1.25, available on Windows and OSX on January 14th to all those who already own the game.

Thank you for playing,

What Remains Of Edith Finch hits Xbox Game Pass this month

Xbox Game Pass for PC is starting off the new year strong by adding the mysterious What Remains Of Edith Finch. It’s a first-person exploration game poking round the strange, sprawling house built by the possibly-cursed Finch family over generations. It’s a bit of an RPS fave, and will arrive on Microsoft’s subscription service on January 14th. This is one I’ve been meaning to get my hands on for ages, so now I truly have no excuse.


YIIK Update Now in Development!

Andrew and Brian Allanson here.
We can’t believe we’re coming up on the YIIK: A Postmodern RPG one year anniversary next week!
It’s crazy how fast the year went by.

We want to thank everyone who has supported the game this year. Word of mouth has really helped the game grow a fanbase, and we’re truly grateful to everyone who has recommended the game to a friend.

In the past few months, now that we’ve had some time to step back from the game, we’ve been paying attention to Fan Feedback and constructive criticism.

So, we’re happy to announce that we’ve begun work on an update for YIIK based on the feedback we’ve received!
Before I go on, although we're posting this on Steam, please note that these updates will be available on all versions of the game.

Here is what we plan on tackling first:

*New Battle System that focuses on quicker battles/more strategic gameplay (the old battle system will still be available as an option.)

*Improved Combat Balance (New and Old Battle System)

*Refined/Streamlined Mind Dungeon.

*Improving Rory’s usefulness in battle

*Region Specific Bugs (Some Japanese region players have reported some issues that seem to only occur in Japanese language mode.)

*Adding a way to view progress in each area (How many enemies are left to kill, secrets left to uncover, etc.)

In addition to all these heavier improvements, we’ll also tackle some smaller bugs that are less obvious.

We’ll keep everyone posted on our progress, and update in a few weeks once we have a better understanding of the timeline.

Thanks again for playing YIIK!

-Allanson Bros.

YIIK Balance Update Option

We've uploaded a new optional build for YIIK.
  • This new build reworks the balance of the game taking feedback into consideration. We've improved the attack power of SKILLS as well as lowered enemy HP, etc.
  • Speeds up the general playback of battle.
  • Fixes the issue preventing some players from unlocking 2 achievements.
  • And a few other general fixes.

We've put it up as an optional branch as we're still preparing a few other fixes and testing this balance to make sure it's good enough before calling it the new version.

So, please leave us feedback on how the changes feel to you or if there is anything else you'd like to see so we can consider it.

One thing we've seen requested is an option to play the game without mini games like a traditional turn based RPG.

This is something we're experimenting with and we'll update you when the option is ready to try out!

the latest YIIK build is up in the experimentalbuilds branch. to access, use the password: youneedtoletmeinside if you want to check it out.