1. Legion TD 2
  2. News
  3. AutoAttack Games is joining forces with Ninja Kiwi!

AutoAttack Games is joining forces with Ninja Kiwi!

Who is Ninja Kiwi?
Ninja Kiwi is the developer behind Bloons TD 6 and all things Bloons, as well as Zombie Assault and loads of other hit games.

Ninja Kiwi basically took the Tower Defense genre and made it mainstream. Jules and I (Lisk) visited the studio last fall, and the shared passion for crafting awesome games was immediately apparent. We couldn’t imagine a better team to partner with.

What does this mean for the AutoAttack Games team?
We will be starting a new branch of Ninja Kiwi from the ground up!

We will maintain creative & operational control, while being able to tap into Ninja Kiwi's veteran team, connections, and funding support. Our plan is to slowly grow our current team (Lisk, Jules, Dani) to ~8 full-time members. This team size will improve our production capabilities in the long run, while still keeping us agile enough to iterate quickly and small enough to stay close with the community.

What's next?
We are starting development on a brand new game! It will be a competitive multiplayer strategy game set in the Legion world. That's all we can say for now, as it is still years away.

What does this mean for Legion TD 2?
We will continue to release monthly patches with game balance, fixes, and minor QoL. We still have a bunch of new units lined up, too. We'll still be on Discord and reddit as usual.

A big reason we are partnering with Ninja Kiwi is that they share our vision of supporting games & communities for the long haul.

And with that, let's look forward to v11.03 Patch Notes dropping on Friday with some exciting improvements and new units!

The Legion TD 2 Team