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Meadow News

Bird Day in Meadow

[h3]Hello, [/h3]

May the 4th might be most known for being the day that we dress up as space wizards wielding laser swords - but the almighty mouse doesn't hold a monopoly on this day, for this day is also Bird Day.

This means that everyone will be able to play as the Eagle and the Pheasant in Meadow from 00:01 to 23:59 GMT-9 (11:01-10:59 CEST).

Why the change in timezones? Well, because our community manager had a moment of confusion regarding what days yesterday's event (Leopard and Koala Day) was supposed to happen - which resulted in this announcement being late. Since Bird Day follows that event we felt we had to push Bird Day ahead a few hours too. So, we’re fixing the loss of those precious hours on your end by offsetting appropriately. This person has also been sent to LBCAT camp (“Learn Basic Calendar and Time”) so that this won’t happen again. He reports that he’s being fed adequately and that his studies have been “eye opening”.

Anyway, we expect to see you all spread your wings this fine Saturday! See you in the skies.

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Leopard and Koala Day in Meadow

[h3]Hello, [/h3]

On the 3rd of May we celebrate not one, but two amazing animals. Both leopards and koalas share this day as their respective "holiday", which of obviously means that we're making the lynx cub with its leopard skin AND the bear cub with its koala skin available for everyone. This will happen 00:01 GMT-9 and run until 23:59 (11:01-10:59 CEST).

Why the change in timezones? Well, because our community manager had a moment of confusion regarding what days this is supposed to happen - which resulted in this announcement being late. So, we're fixing the loss of those precious hours on your end by offsetting appropriately. This person has also been sent to LBCAT camp ("Learn Basic Calendar and Time") so that this won't happen again. He reports that he's being fed adequately and that his studies have been "eye opening".

Here's some tidbits about leopards and koalas respectively:

Leopards (...) belong to the group of animals we recommend that you keep your distance from. A lot of us know how much it sucks to be clawed by a house cat, so imagine the absolute mayhem a cat ten times bigger can cause. But boy are they beautiful, with their majestic spots. Did you know that the spots of a leopard are called rosettes because they’re similar to roses in shape? Or that they can reach running speeds of up to 58 km/h? Oh, and they can jump up to 6 meters. Yeah, so don’t get on their bad side.

Koalas... they are cool. They sleep 18 hours a day, which we would too if we had the gall. They are very picky eaters; living exclusively off of eucalyptus leaves, despite these leaves being very low on nutrients (hence the long naps) and toxic to most other animals. Also, they’re the national symbol of Australian wildlife. The country known for having the scariest animals in the world uses the Koala as the symbol for their wildlife. Need we say more?

Tomorrow we have yet another animal day to celebrate, but that announcement will come later today. Stay tuned!

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International Hyena Day in Meadow


Tomorrow, April 27, is International Hyena Day. You know the drill: the playable Wolf and its Hyena skin will be unlocked for every player from 00:01 to 23:59 central European time.

This day exists to highlight that hyenas are in fact wonderful animals, and not the villainous mad clowns of the animal kingdom that pop culture and literature may present them as. Thanks a lot, Lion King!

They are intelligent mammals that live in large packs and they aren't exclusively scavengers - they are quite skilled hunters too. Also, that cackle they're famous for isn't the animal equivalent to Joker's maniacal laugh, but rather a vocalisation of nervousness from a lower ranking individual.

Let's get together and display these animals at their very best, the Meadow way!

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National Deer Day in Meadow

[h3]Hello, [/h3]

Did you know that today (April 25) is National Deer Day? To celebrate this, we're unlocking the playable Goat and its Fawn skin for everyone until 23:59 tonight, central european time.

Who doesn't love seeing one of these beautiful animals in their garden? Deer have been symbolic for lots of things through human history, such as abundance and fertility. In ancient cultures they were revered as sacred beings. National Deer Day is meant to spread awareness for these gentle animals, and we'll do it the Meadow way - by getting together and having a good time.

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