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Tropico 6 News

Tropico 6 and all DLCs on sale now!

[h3]El Presidente is back![/h3]
In times of political turmoil and social unrest, the people are calling for visionary leaders, who will steer the fate of their country with foresight and ingenuity. Prove yourself once again as a feared dictator or peace-loving statesman on the island state of Tropico and shape the fate of your very own banana republic through four distinctive eras. Face new challenges on the international stage and always keep the needs of your people in mind.

For the first time in the series, manage extensive archipelagos, build bridges to connect your islands and use new means of transportation and infrastructure. Send your Tropicans on raids to steal the wonders of the world, including the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower. Customize your palace at will and give election speeches from your balcony, to win the favor of your subjects.

[h3]Save up to 72% off - Tropico 6 and all DLCs are on Sale🌴[/h3]



Unveiling the Hidden Scales: El Presidente the lizardman!!

🦎 Unveiling the Hidden Scales: El Presidente the lizardman!! 🔍🐍

📢❗ Dear Tropicans ❗ 📢

Today I am forced to deliver a shocking truth: Our beloved leader, El Presidente, is a lizardman! His elegant suit, his charming stance is nothing but a LIE.
In Viva la Tropico they betray us❗❗❗
Viva la pueblo lagarto they chant behind closed doors!!!

👁️‍🗨️Have you ever glimpsed our EL Presidente without sunglasses? Without his glorious beard?
No?? It’s not mere coincidence! The reason is that he hides his reptilian eyes and scales beneath them!!

🌐 Here is definitive proof: I was able to intercept a fan-letter which was addressed to our El-Prez himself! […] Lizzzardente, we must keep the warmbloods from figuring out your Identity. If thosssse warm blooded ANIMALSSSS know […] ❗❗you are one of usss❗❗, we will have to reschedule our plansss[…] terrible […] we don’t […] because you are the greatessst of them all!”

🔍 But what is their true motivation? El Presidente, El Lizardente is an elite in the realms of Lizardpeople, pulling the strings behind the scenes and holding our future in the palm of his hand. Our economy, our daily life, our SUFFERING is controlled by them IN SECRET. UNBELIEVEABLE. But I tell you: THE SECRECY MUST BE STOPPED!

🤯 Not only filthy Lizardente is part of the skin-shedders: Sister Francesca, Mason Belmonte and General Rodrigo Rodriguez all have their lizardry eyes on us.

  • The Order of the Howling Skull? No one ever noticed????
  • Mason Belmonte is just a capitalistic snake!
  • Isn’t it weird that the strategies of our legendary general all involve neck breaking maneuvers? The reason is clear: He doesn’t have a spine or neck!

The Lizardpeople are a powerful organization: Angelo Merte or Mark Zuckerberg, all have their claws buried deep in our world. Their skin is cold, and their stare feels dead. Do you want someone like that to have secret control over your life??!

🙏 Please share this message all around Tropico before it’s too late! The truth must come to light. We will no longer be kept in the dark ❗❗❗ 🐍

#Truth #MakeTropicoHumanAgain #NoLizardInMyCountry #ICriedLittle
(This article was funded by the Island Insect Union of Tropico)

Seasonal Event Piñata Hunt is back!

[h2]On the occasion of Tropico's anniversary, the seasonal event "Piñata Hunt" is back![/h2]

Join the Piñata Hunt! Track down randomly placed llama piñatas scattered across your island and destroy them to see what secrets they yield. Perhaps more llamas... or other rewards 🎆😉
[Available until May 5th on PC, PS4 and Xbox One]

Easter Festivities Idea!

💌 Greetings, El Presidente!

I have an egg-citing idea just in time for Easter festivities! 🐰

Picture this: Bunnies behind the wheel, cruising the streets of Tropico. Now, I know what you're thinking, El Presidente: ‘Penultimo, have you lost your marbles? Bunnies driving cars in Tropico?’

Fear not! This is just an egg-celent suggestion, a dream of what could be. But oh, just imagine that! Bunnies zipping around, delivering coconuts instead of eggs – for a small fee, of course. 🥚 And you can tell them where to drive (even through your political enemies’ buildings)! 🚘

Truly, the future of Tropico knows no bounds!

¡Felices Pascuas!

Tropico 6 – 5th Anniversary!

Tropico 6 – 5th Anniversary!

Turn up the Tropico music, fetch your chonky llama balloons and celebrate with us and the whole Palace team: Happy 5th Birthday to Tropico 6! 🎉

In the 5 years since release, El Prez made Tropico great again with many new free landmarks like the Moonlander, new buildings like the Overwatch Tower, maps for multiplayer & sandbox mode, and whole new scenarios in 7 full DLCs. And he continues to improve! His reign might only be 5 years old, but he's already shown off such incredible power (and such a lush beard)! 😎

We want to especially thank YOU for legitimately voting for El Prez for 5 years. You, the loyal community, are the reason why El Presidente can be the leader for so long (not just because of his rigged elections *COUGH*) and you are the reason we want to continue making Tropico even greater. 💙

Long live El Prez and long live every one of you who carries their own El Prez in their heart – here’s to many more Tropican years to come! 🌴