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Celeste News

Celeste creators’ next game Earthblade won’t be out this year, but studio assure development is “not stagnant”

It’s been close to three years since Celeste and TowerFall developers Extremely OK Games revealed their next project, the similarly gorgeous-looking and sumptuous-sounding 2D exploration platformer Earthblade. While the studio didn’t give any indication of a release date at the time, we now know not to expect Earthblade until 2025 at the earliest.

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The best platform games on PC 2024

What are the best platform games on PC? Back in the '90s and early '00s, there were countless platformers for console gamers, while the PC had a reputation as a wasteland for this particular genre. Thankfully, this stigma has lessened since the days of Commander Keen, and we owe that in large part to the explosion of indies that have flooded onto digital platforms over the past decade, meaning our fair platform is now bursting at the seams with solid platform games.

The best platform games have garnered a reputation as requiring mechanical mastery and sublime timing to get into, but developers continue to push the genre forward by introducing gameplay elements from the best Metroidvania games. Platforming can also be a staple mechanic in some of the best story games, as demonstrated in releases like Celeste and Ori and the Blind Forest. Here are the best platform games you can play on your PC right now.

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Beloved 9/10 Steam indie releases free game to celebrate birthday

One of the best LGBT games is free, and you need to play it

Best LGBT+ games to play beyond Pride Month

Beloved 9/10 Steam indie releases free game to celebrate birthday

The developers behind incredible indie platformer Celeste just released a free, 3D version of the game to celebrate the sixth anniversary. It's complete with challenges, strawberries, B-side tapes, tough-as-nails platforming, and some delightful visuals and music. So if you're a fan of the Steam platformer, or just want a quick free game to breeze through, check Celeste 64 out now.

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The best platform games on PC 2024

One of the best LGBT games is free, and you need to play it

Best LGBT+ games to play beyond Pride Month

2018's best platformer now has an adorable Mario 64-style tribute made by the game's original dev team for its 6th anniversary—and it's completely free

Celeste is one of the best platformers in the past decade—it's a game with a heartfelt, deeply affecting narrative that's also just really damn good at what it does: Complex 2D platforming with a skill ceiling so high it's nudging the moon. Now you can play it in 3D, kinda...
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Here's a free N64-style version of Celeste from Extremely OK Games

Celeste celebrated its sixth anniversary this month, and developers Extremely OK Games have marked the occasion by releasing a free Nintendo 64 homage to their excellent platforming game over on Itch. Made in just "a week(ish)", Celeste 64: Fragments Of The Mountain channels the spirits of Super Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie as it tasks players with collecting dozens of strawberrys hidden around its snowy 3D landscape. It's well worth checking out if you've got a spare minute or so, though given how rock hard it is you may want to put aside a good hour or so if you want to truly master its controls and uncover every last secret.

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