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Metagalactic Blitz News

Free Characters Update - 2.0.22

The item shop has been shut down, and all characters are now free in Metagalactic Blitz.

This is because Pixelvex as a partnership is dissolving, but we want to keep distributing the games to you all as free products. Enjoy!

Metagalactic Blitz Soundtrack - removal from sale

The soundtrack for Metagalactic Blitz will be removed from the store in the near future.

Patch 2.0.19

Restricted Juggerbot mode on Mayhem Mechanics to 3 and 4 player FFA.

Patch 2.0.18

Fixed a bug where the game wouldn't close on some versions of Windows 10.

Dunk the Devs starting now!

Come join our Discord https://discord.gg/jAaAGgW until 2pm CT to hang out and play some matches with the devs!