1. Devilated
  2. News
  3. Major Update 0.9 - Out Now

Major Update 0.9 - Out Now

[h3]Hi folks,[/h3]
Trunka here (Changed my handle from Trunks.)
As you know, I have been working on an update that takes a while.
To keep this update simple, here it is, Devilated 0.9. Enjoy!


[h3]Full interview version with Gianni Matragrano:[/h3]

[h3]Steam Deck skin: Bring it to a local decal company[/h3]

[h3]Full Blood Mesa experience: [/h3]

[h3]New Demo available: [/h3]

[h3]Join the Discord channel: [/h3]

[h3]V 0.9 Changelog[/h3]
- Shitton of protagonist oneliners added, voiced by Gianni Matragrano
- Brief story videos
- Quick melee (Sword) like a samurai with katana
- Abilities (Gliding Furfur Wing, Sword abilities, Gibbing Hook, Lighter - Deer Ghost, Grenade Slash...) enhancing maneuvers & combat
- Revamped inventory system, holding/switching 9-13 weapons at once
- Gore-blood revamped to go American Psycho.
- Bike riding sections
- Boss head as a weapon acquired after defeating every boss, non-repairable.
- Changed instant-items to randomized Powerups scattered across all levels.
- Resources = splitted between pickups and collecting corpses, and add armor
- Endless mode changed to RPG style with different maps, including a merchant to buy stuff.
- Simple B-Hopping.
- Extended modding abilities (Characters/ HUD Change/ Hand model/ Custom Soundtrack...)
- Fx (Outline, Screen-space reflections, smooth camera, caustics, new Stylish meter, Jump/Air-Dash magic circle effect...)
- Reloading removed
- Grounded Enemies randomly move sideways while attacking = battle more tactical
- Town removed, merchant moved into the map. 2 previous merchants changed to Hp & Armor healer.
- Improved performance & Steam Deck compatibility
- Controller D-pad navigation snapping implemented
- Jumping Pads added
- Changes to weapons & bosses
- Removed console, switch to panel-style for cheatcodes
- UI changes
- Created the base for future localization
- Enemies voiced by me (Trunka) insulting player
- Recoil patterns in 'Devilated' difficulty or higher
- Lots of changes/ fixes

Thanks to the Neon Doctrine team and the community for having my back and providing support when needed.

Done with heart,