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Trailmakers News

Racing Festival Announcement 🏎️

Start your engines!

You may have all noticed the island we silently added to Race Island in 1.8 Update.
It serves another purpose other than just being an extra track. We are going all-in on racing in May with a new track being released every week from May 16 to June 6.

Each track will be active with leaderboards as part of this Seasonal Event but only for a limited time!

Here is the schedule for release:
  • Sandstone Circuit: May 16th (LAND)
  • Laguna Mojada: May 23rd (SEA)
  • Eagle Run: May 30th (AIR)
  • Surfside Sprint: June 6th (LAND)

Every new track will be active until the end of the Seasonal Event (June 17th) and will award you beautiful Seasonal Decals!

But that’s not all!

We will be testing our own skills against some of the best Content Creators Trailmakers have to offer:

Follow our Twitch and our YouTube to get notified when we go live!

We’ll also do a special edition of the Build Challenge on May 31st but more info on that later.


đź’Ą LIVE NOW: 1.8.1 Hotfixđź’Ą

Hello Trailmakers!

We have just pushed a new build to you with a small handful of fixes we wanted to address.

- Fixed Rocket Launcher firing sound incorrectly playing twice.
- Fixed the Factory Bombing missions in Airborne incorrectly ending when the base was destroyed and skipping the Chirpo Rescue part of the mission.
- Added the Bumper Whales back into the Treasure Island ocean.

đź’Ą LIVE NOW: 1.8.1 Update đź’Ą

🛠️ 1.8.1 PATCH NOTES
These changes are live now on the Steam version of Trailmakers. Console patch coming early next week.

♻️ Changes
Updated Police Officer outfit.
Clamped values on Propellers, Buoyancy Block, Power Coupling and Energy Shield to prevent modded values persisting when loading Blueprints saved with them.

🔧 Fixes
Fix for Fireworks yeeting you to oblivion and Oh No'ing.
Fix for Explosive Salvage and Tractor Beam interaction in Stranded.
Fix for Camera Block being blurry in certain cases.
Fix for Gravity Slider value not correctly being set.
Fix for broken shader on some Rally and Race Island Barricades.
Fix for the Wooden Crates missing textures.
Fix for the shrubs missing textures.
Fix for some Cacti missing textures.
Fix for colors on Head and Hat reverting to previously set colors if changing Outfit.
Fixed selecting new heads not correctly updating the outfit, causing weird clipping with certain head/outfit combos.
Fix for cases of entering seats that remove hats whilst seated not correctly rendering them again upon exiting seat.
Fixed text wrapping issues for the Event Names on Main Menu.
Fixed rocket part of Firework block not rendering again if entering builder when it was on cooldown.
Fixed the Signal Flare light not correctly turning green again after being fired.
Fixed black Fireworks not having particles.
Fixed Firework explosion sometimes being offset to where it should be.
Fixed Flare and Firework interaction with water.
Fixed Dinghy Blocks incorrectly being marked as Frame blocks causing an incorrect new block notification to show up in the Frame Category.
Fixed some Race related UI not correctly being suppressed when entering Cinematic Camera in a race.
Fixed cases where Player Event feed could cause overlapping UI.
Fixed respawning at certain race checkpoints in Race Island not facing you forward.

🧩 Mods
Fix for Transform incorrectly being disabled if activating then deactivating mods in a session.

đź’Ą LIVE NOW: 1.8 Update and Rescue Pack đź’Ą

For the past month we have shown you every dinghy, every flare, every truss, and firework rocket that comes with the 1.8 update and the Rescue Pack.

And now the time has come for you to be the hero.

1.8: Waves, Camera, Action! and Rescue Pack are now LIVE ON ALL PLATFORMS.
Let’s go over all the features and blocks!

[h2]1.8 Free Update[/h2]

[h3]Cinematic Camera[/h3]
Good news for Content Creators and fan-film enthusiasts. You can do much more with the camera now. But it’s kind of a show-it-don’t-tell-it feature so to refresh your memory here is the Cinematic Camera trailer:


[h2]Player Event Feed[/h2]
The brand-new Player Event Feed (more commonly known as a kill feed) is ready to enhance your PvP experience.

The server will now inform you if:

  • Player is killed by another player
  • Player is ejected from their seat
  • Player is blown up by another player
  • Player teleports
  • Player respawns (backspace)
  • Player is building


[h2]Adjustable Waves[/h2]
We are adding waves to all maps in Trailmakers and a setting to adjust them based on how intense you want them to be.

You can turn them off completely (like they are per default right now).
You can set them to “Calm” giving you nice, regular waves.
… or you can set them to “Intense” to give you that rough middle-of-pacific-ocean-during-a-hurricane feeling.
Note: The latter setting requires the High Seas expansion (but it’s on sale!)


[h2]New blocks! [/h2]

  • 2x2 Truss Block
  • 2x8 Truss Block
  • Fireworks Block

[h2]Expanded skin support on blocks[/h2]
We cleaned up the block skins and added support for (almost) all skins on (almost) all blocks.
The skins have also gotten a make-over to better line up on your builds and eliminate weird edges and unaligned patterns.

[h2]Race Island has a new Island![/h2]
We’ve added a new island to Race Island with a bunch of new tracks. We have more things planned for this but we are not saying more about that for now. In the meantime, enjoy a fresh change of scenery!

Take look at this video by Whemplar and lukkram from our Content Creator Program from the new island:


[h2]Rescue Pack DLC[/h2]


You’ve built cars, airplanes, spaceships, boats, and everything in between. Now get ready to be a hero with the new Trailmakers Rescue Pack. Dress the part of one of modern society’s everyday heroes.

[h3]Make yourself the hero[/h3]
With a long list of new rescue-themed blocks, there is no end to the scenarios you can invent alone or with your friends. Build a rescue helicopter with the new Tail Propeller and Tail Fin Stabilizer and respond to a Signal Flare being sent up by a Dinghy in distress. Build a Police Vehicle complete with Emergency Lights and Sirens and chase a Thief on the run…

After all, Trailmakers is a game of innovation and creativity. All we do is provide the parts - and in this case the parts are there to elevate your experience of rescue and heroism. Go be a hero!

[h3]New Costumes[/h3]
  • Fire Fighter
  • Police Officer
  • High Visibility Outfit
  • Thief

[h3]New Cosmetic Blocks[/h3]
  • Emergency Light
  • Fire Truck Siren
  • Signal Flare

[h3]New Functional Blocks[/h3]
  • Ship’s Keel
  • Ship’s Bow
  • Dinghy Side
  • Dinghy Bow
  • Tail Propeller
  • Large Stabilizer

and of course rescue-themed decals to complete your rescue aesthetics.

If you want a better idea of the DLC contains check out the Content Creators Early Access reviews:
New Update and DLC Will Bring Rescue Parts and More! Uncover All Details of the 'NEW' Rescue DLC | 1.8 Early Access 1v1 WEAPONIZED DINGY Battle But With INTENSE WAVES! Everything you need to know about 1.8! Release date, blocks and more! | Trailmakers Early Access The NEW 1.8 Update and Rescue Pack in Trailmakers! | Early Access We Missed a Few Details | Trailmakers 1.8 I tried building the ULTIMATE RESCUE VEHICLE in TRAILMAKERS

[h2]Full patch notes[/h2]

  • Waves in Supported Worlds.
  • Cinematic Camera.
  • Player Event Feed.
  • Rescue Pack Added
  • New Island appeared in Race Island
  • Extended Skin Support to all blocks.

[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
  • Fixed a bug with the Short and Long Helicopter Blades not correctly creating lift. These blocks were unfortunately set up completely wrong which meant they weren’t creating lift in ways they really should have. We have now corrected this. It will mean that Blueprints you have that use these will now behave and control differently. We know it sucks when this happens to your existing Blueprints, but in the case of these two blocks it was a necessary change to make the blocks actually behave as they were intended.
  • Fixed Decals placed over Logic Blocks not correctly blocking the light from the Logic Block.
  • Fixed the Shields visually re-appearing on Pirate Bases in Airborne if disabling them and moving far enough away.
  • Fixed Decal Placement on the Gimbal Jet behaving odd once the block had left and re-entered the Builder.
  • Fixed the incorrect text displayed when Creating an Online Profile.
  • Fixed the Propeller not blocking Aerodynamics from a block immediately behind it like the Large Propeller does. To balance this change, the block now has slightly more drag.
  • Improved the error messaging for when a player with an Offline Profile tries to access a part of the game that requires an Online Profile.
  • Fixed not being able to apply the Glass Skin on the Power Coupling.
  • Fixed some missing tooltips on the Airborne Map when a Bombing Mission is active.
  • Fixed visual issues with some blocks using the clean skin not sitting flush with connecting blocks.
  • Various localization fixes and improvements.

[h3]Modding Related[/h3]
  • Fixed an issue with spawned dispenser items spamming NullRefs and having a large impact on performance.
  • Improved the behaviour of the UI when there is a long list of mods.
  • Fixed so disabling a mod does not clear the active mod camera if that mod wasn’t the one that added it.
  • Added client-side caching of custom assets for mods.
  • [h3]New Spawnables[/h3]
  • PFB_PipeThruHill
  • PFB_DetourSign
  • PFB_RoadClosedSign
  • PFB_ConstructionRoadClosedFenceDestructable
  • PFB_Loop_Dangerzone
  • PFB_ConstructionCylinderCone
  • PFB_Christmas_Tall_SlenderPine
  • PFB_Christmas_Short_Slender_Pine
  • PFB_Christmas_Short_Lush_Pine

1.8 Update and Rescue Pack LAUNCH DATE! đź’Ą

The release of 1.8 and the Rescue Pack approaches rapidly. In fact, we are ready to tell you exactly when: April 24!

So channel your inner savior and get ready to rescue.

Watch the final trailer for the Rescue Pack here:

In case you forgot what 1.8 contains, take a look at our previous announcements here:

Cinematic Camera Player Event Feed Waves 1.8 Blocks Rescue Pack Blocks
Rescue Pack Cosmetics

But that’s far from all we have for you on this wonderful Friday.

Flashblog is back and this time we have Product Architect Rune Holm mapping the process of adding new blocks to Trailmakers - from idea stage to shipping.

Holm has worked on Trailmakers for 7 years, making him one of the most experienced veterans of the Flashbulb team.

So without further ado, let’s dive into the Flashblog #2: The Birth of Blocks

How to make a block for Trailmakers?

Trailmakers consist of many individual parts, but perhaps the most important component is the blocks! So how do the developers design and implement a block and why do some blocks get made while others do not?

[h2]What is a block?[/h2]
Roughly speaking a block consists of its graphics, sound, functionality and settings. But of course this is a gross simplification of the huge design and implementation work that goes into a block. For example the way a block looks has a huge impact on how it can be used. Some blocks are used to give character and details while others are for building larger coherent shapes.

[h2]The life of a Block[/h2]

[h3]Step 1: Idea[/h3]
A block generally starts its life as an idea. Sometimes it is from a player's suggestion, other times from the minds of a developer and in some cases because we are trying to build a themed experience (space, air planes, boats). We try to think about who the block is for and how it should be used. We also need to consider how important it is and how expensive it will be to produce as we have limited resources and are only a relatively small team. Finally we also have a lot of other things we want to add into the game, so every block has to compete against these.

[h3]Step 2: Concept and Design[/h3]
The next step is to come up with the best version of the block. This involves considering all the different use-cases for the block, implementation costs and how it fits into the game as it is now and how it will be in the future. If a block is too close to what is there already it will not get made and the same goes if it will be superseded by an even better block in the future. It is also important to consider if the block should be made generic so it can be used in many ways, or detailed so it is perfect for its intended purpose.

[h3]Step 3: Production[/h3]
Prototyping and implementation comes next. This involves programming, 3D modelling, animating, texturing, sound designing and implementation and tweaking the block. In this step we will find a lot of challenges that were hard to predict in the prior steps which in turn can lead to adjustments, redesign, reimplementation and even rejection of the block entirely in some cases. Often we implement multiple versions of a block before we find the best version. To avoid wasting time it is therefore often useful to evaluate the block as it is being implemented. We usually also give a closed group of testers access to the blocks at this stage to make sure it is something players will understand how to use and to enjoy.

[h3]Step 4: Polish[/h3]
Once the block is done we enter into a phase of polishing which means identifying and fixing bugs, fixing visual glitches and optimizing when needed. Hopefully there are only smaller issues left at this point in the process.

[h2]Design Challenges[/h2]
There are a ton of decisions and tweaks to be made when making a block and this post would be rather lengthy if we were to explain them all in detail. However, here is a short list of some decisions we need to make for each block: Aesthetics, sound, build bounds, nubs, collision shape, name, description, power core cost, complexity cost, aerodynamics, weight and health. On top of that we also have the specifics to functional blocks such as cannon blocks: Delay between shots, damage per shots, explosion radius, projectile speed, crosshair style.

Some of these decisions are easy to make or don't have to be super precise, but others will be incredibly hard to change later as it would mean breaking existing blueprints, or impairing fun play patterns. This may in some cases mean that we will make the game worse if we fix a bug or change the block (I’m looking at you UFO engine!). So in these cases we must try very hard to make the right choice the first time!

As a result, making blocks for Trailmakers is a very creative and challenging task involving a lot of different people, testing, listening to the players and trying to predict what will make the game even better. And of course a lot of hard work. Thankfully we have some very skilled people working tirelessly on the game, some really dedicated and creative players and a great community. The game and the blocks in the game have come a long way since the initial early access release more than 6 years ago - hopefully we will be able to continue this trend and improve the game for a long time to come!