1. Hellpoint
  2. News
  3. Patch: Boss softlock, inaccessible items fixed

Patch: Boss softlock, inaccessible items fixed

[h3]Hello, community![/h3]

Hellpoint patch is live on Steam:

- Fixed the softlock in the Sentient fight cinematic (black screen)
- Fixed 3 items that weren't accessible
- Fixed Nemundis' revive option from the council
- An attempt to fix the ghost locking itself in strafing or dodging
- Fixed Celestial Beast not spawning properly as "tinyBeast" pet (Twitch integration mode)

- Added game version display to the main menu
- Added the "Level of detail" option to the .config file (the file is located at: [system disk]:/Users/[user name]/AppData/LocalLow/Cradle Games/Hellpoint/); the option may be added to the in-game options later
- Performance optimization on FX and interactive objects

Please, update your game.

Have fun!