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Alien Swarm News

Alien Swarm update released

Fixes and Updates
  • Security fixes to client/server file transfers
  • Fixed "Out of thread ids" error when launching Alien Swarm on a computer with 32 or more logical processors
  • Updated localization files

Alien Swarm Update

- Added latest localization files.
- Fixed a crash when viewing the Achievements screen in a non-English language.

Alien Swarm SDK Update

- Added shader source code.
- Matchmaking system supports mods with more than 4 players.
- Mods store their config.cfg separately from the base game.

Alien Swarm Update Released

Updates to Alien Swarm have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Alien Swarm
  • Allow XP gain on custom maps.
  • Fixed a camera prediction bug.
  • Added .smd and .qc files for the marine and drone to the SDK

Alien Swarm Update Released

Updates to Alien Swarm have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Alien Swarm
  • Added TTF font support
  • Fixed an engine exploit