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  3. Long-Term Progression Update - Beta Preview 2

Long-Term Progression Update - Beta Preview 2

We're excited to announce a new udate for the melee update beta. Thanks to all the feedback and bugreports of our testers, we could identify and fix a lot of bugs and did some tweaks and changes to the melee weapons, so that melee combat feels better in general.

  • Weapon Improvements
  • Fixes to the progression of the Reaper (unlocks now progress more reliably)
  • tweaked and added new sounds
  • more particle effects
  • improvements and fixes to existing rooms
  • the Reaper now has own unique gloves

There are still some issues we are working on, but we still wanted to give you a more stable version with the updated weapons, so you can give us more feedback on them. If you encounter an issue, feel free to report even if you did report the same issue before already.

Thanks for your help in this and enjoy playing with the new melee weapons.

Play the beta of our upcoming melee update. We did various fixes and weapon improvements to make melee combat feel a lot better.

Salmi Games

Long Term Progression Update - Beta Preview 2

We're excited to announce a new update for the Long-Term Progression Update Beta. Thanks to all the bugreports we received, we could identify and fix a lot of bugs relating to all parts of the game.

  • Fixed an issue where enemy robots got stuck in a level and stopped doing anything
  • Players don't accidentally clip into the ground after beating the final boss anymore
  • The console to summon enemies in the homebase isn't flickering anymore, it was also adjusted to fit the height of the player better
  • The last upgrade on the vending station now shows properly what it gives the player
  • Updated the ProTubeVR plugin which caused issues with disconnecting the provolver device

If any other issue occurs to you while testing, feel free to tell us about it.
We would also appreciate it to get more feedback about the vending stations and the upgrades.
Do the upgrades feel rewarding? Are the costs for an upgrade acceptable?

Thanks a lot for helping to test the game and make it better for the final release.

Salmi Games