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  3. A tactical RPG on its own EA journey - Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

A tactical RPG on its own EA journey - Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Colony Ship wouldn’t be here without all of you who supported us in Early Access. It’s a huge help to indie devs, and a unique opportunity to shape a game and see it evolve.

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint is a squad tactics heist RPG by the Trese Brothers that started Early Access in October and I think is worth checking out. They’ve been getting some fantastic reviews comparing it to games like XCOM, Shadowrun, and Invisible Inc. It’s less of a cRPG than Colony Ship, but much more of one than most XCOM-likes, with squad member backstories and character-driven storylines playing a big role in the missions you can take on.

Like Colony Ship, it has in-depth combat and character build systems. It’s not possible to do total pacifist playthroughs but they do have extensive stealth and hacking options; you can go full ninja, guns blazing, or anywhere in between. Enemy units are independent, so you can pull off a lot of great ambush and diversion tactics; you just have to stay ahead of each levels’ ruthless security AI trying to detect intruders and use guards and security devices against you.

They’re aiming for some major replayability, and the Trese Brothers have a great reputation as developers. I’d say they’re off to a good start in EA with already over 40 updates since launch. If you’re looking for another game to help turn into a lasting gem in your collection, check it out.
