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  2. News
  3. About Choice 2

About Choice 2

Hello guys, first Choice was create for complete full dev path.
So, that's why game too hard and there is no choice.

Okey, now we get it.

And now we want create Choice 2,

What will be in there ?

*Optimization (Choice 1 wasn't optimization)
*Better Animation
*HP bar
*MP bar
*Maybe checkpoints (for example, only one per level)
*Co-op play
*Create more that 5 levels but easier and smaller
*Some monsters and bosses AI

What do you think about it? What do you want to see in there?
It's only in paper phase, so we can change all of it!

If you have some ideas for levels and logical systems, go ahead, tell us and if it was good, we add this and add you to titles :)