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  2. News
  3. Status Report May 2024

Status Report May 2024

Hello there, and thank you so much for checking in!

April was quite the busy month. We released a major Stable update, which included a brand new and much more reliable voice chat system along with many other great improvements and fixes, as well as a few hotfixes to follow-up on some lingering issues. Overall, feedback on the new voice chat system has been wonderful to hear, quite literally, and we’re very happy with the results. We’re continuing to work on adjustments as needed, but in the meantime, our development team has been working on some exciting new features.

Lua Scripting Progress

Brush off your “Lua for Dummies” books and get ready for the much anticipated new set of tools being introduced for creators in ChilloutVR!

We’ve been working on Lua scripting for some time now, first revealing the details of our implementation all the way back in June of last year, and are excited to say that it is finally closing in on a public test release very soon!

To briefly recap; ChilloutVR’s first client-side scripting language will be Lua. Scripting will be available for all forms of content creation, including Worlds, Avatars, and Props. We plan to add more scripting languages over time, but for now, Lua is what we have settled on beginning with.

Definitely give the Scripting section of our June 2023 Status Report a read if you would like more information on the topic.

Lua Scripting is planned to be available for public testing with the next Experimental release, so be sure to join and keep an eye on our community Discord server for future news and updates on new features like this. We’re thrilled to see the new creations that our community will build.

Example of our Lua implementation in use

Login with Steam

A popular feature request that we often receive is the ability to log in with a Steam account. It can really help new players quickly jump into the game without being required to go through the ABI account creation process first, as well as provide a simple way for existing users to sign-in with a linked ABI and Steam account.

All things considered, the convenience is a major benefit for both new and existing users. So, we are adding a button to log-in with a Steam account to the login screen!

At the moment this feature is exclusive to ABI accounts already created and linked to a Steam-ID, but we aim to provide a sign up with Steam option in the near future as well. Do keep in mind that only users with an ABI account will be able to upload content to ChilloutVR, and access the Hub.

Advanced Avatar Updates

Lately, we’ve been working on various smaller updates and improvements to the CCK alongside other major features, such as Swimming, Gravity, etc… in an effort to further streamline our creative tools with suggestions from the community.

One such improvement that will soon be available is a redesigned Advanced Settings customization UI, which features the following:
  • Separately named menu and parameter names
  • Better initial setting types
  • Automatic generation options moved to a dropdown
May be subject to change during development

Main Menu Updates

Finally, we’ve also been cooking up some helpful quality of life improvements for the Main Menu, particularly when it comes to visibility and positioning. The menu’s size has been reduced by 25% in order to increase visibility of the environment, and can now be grabbed and moved to any position as needed. Both can be seen in the preview below:

May be subject to change during development

Final Notes

As always, thank you for your continued interest and support of ChilloutVR's development.

[h3]Social Media[/h3]
Find us on social media with the links below:
Discord Twitter (Company) Twitter (Status) YouTube Reddit

[h3]Support Alpha Blend Interactive[/h3]
Like every company, we need financial support to be able to push updates and improve our product. We are grateful for every bit of support we get.
If you want to support us you can do so here: https://www.patreon.com/AlphaBlendInteractive

We are more than thankful for your support!

[h3]Not in our Discord server yet?[/h3]
Use the link above to join our discord server and get in touch with our wonderful community, get help with creation-related topics and find people to play with.