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Major update and discounts!

A major cumulative update, various fixes and discounts!

■ Fixed the operation of the game in "potato mode" with disabled effects;
■ Disabling effects no longer cause failures at the Boss level.

■ Improved support and operation of gamepads;
■ Improved visual display of gamepad buttons;
■ At long levels, when the gamepad is connected, the results of the level are displayed correctly;
■ Gamepad icons are no longer duplicated as a result of levels (rare error);
■ The pause function has been redesigned when the gamepad is connected;
■ Now the girl in pause is displayed correctly.

■ Radically changed the spawn of enemies depending on the selected difficulty;
■ When the difficulty level decreases, the game "kills" extra enemies at the start of the level;
■ Previously, when restarting a level, the sounds of enemies dying were heard;
■ Now enemies die quietly.. Suspiciously quiet.. Perhaps a professional Silent Assassin is operating o_0
■ Be careful! We warned you. Over.

■ There are a lot of other minor changes and fixes aimed at improving stability and performance ;)

[h3]Don't forget about the big discount! Now is the time to purchase the game and get more than 2 thousand beautiful achievements in your profile:[/h3]

[h2]We continue to refine the game based on your feedback.
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