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Industrial Petting News

Happy 2024!

Waking from the Dark

Where are we? What's happening? Where are all my pets? I want to first thank everyone who's been following and waiting, your patience and support has been invaluable. Here's an insight into our journey, and why there hasn't been an update in a while.

Some old WIP features

[h2]Adding New Areas[/h2]
One of the core features that has always been on the roadmap for Industrial Petting is adding new areas. There's an excitement to finding some new biome and seeing what creatures are in it, and then building the factories in this shiny new area. During early access, I've added the gem biome and a fossil biome, and ran into an issue: people's current saves.

Adding new areas disrupted existing saves and increased travel times, detracting from the fun and discovery. The gem update caused chaos for a bunch of people's factories, especially if the new gem areas got placed halfway through some existing area. For the update, I added some paths and hints leading towards the closest area, but that isn't a sustainable solution.

So I made a major change. To enhance exploration and reduce disruption, we've introduced disconnected worlds linked by teleporters, simplifying navigation and preserving your creations. Suddenly new areas are easy to find: there's explicit systems to travel there, and travel times are now not a problem. You no longer wander through the forest past a hundred cuddlers, hoping to see some weird shape in the draw distance.

Doing this required major code rewrites, as every gameplay system now needs to deal with another dimension for positions, and multiplayer needed to be fixed to deal with players being in completely different worlds. Everything was working and stable within two months of the gem update.

Unfortunately, this simple design change invited temptation...

[h2]The First Redesign[/h2]
Industrial Petting was once a very different game. It was a factory game, but there were no pets, no multiplayer, and no friendly robots. Just the "Industrial", building in a literal honeycomb. It was too complicated, with a building/factory system was "interesting", but a lot of the core mechanics weren't fun.

An enjoyable thing that game did have, was travel on a spaceship between planets, moons, and spaceports. I loved that part, and wanted to bring a little bit of that to the current game.

To do that, I threw away the entire game's progression system. Instead, you started on one of the space elevators from the title screen, and had a map in the spaceship. There were missions from different vendors on the ship, with timed goals and a ranking system for those missions. Pets were made in the tens of thousands instead of the hundreds, and nearly every recipe was reworked. It was a huge change, with lots of interesting little bits interacting together. I posted an update showing some preliminary art, and what systems were going to be in there.

But the experiment did not work.

Temporary art for the time-limited pet gathering missions

The timed missions were too repetitive and stressful. The different vendors just added complexity without offering anything interesting from a narrative or gameplay perspective. Making meta-factories from a map view removed a large part of what makes the game enjoyable in the first place. The whole thing required huge amounts of art I did not have the resources to create. The game had veered too far away from what made it special.

[h2]The Second Redesign[/h2]
So I threw it all away, created a quick moose update, and started working on another redesign. I added a large, completely changed story, with new robots to talk to, resources to interact with, and new systems to unlock items. I was determined to create compelling story, and that story required major changes to the unlock systems and game mechanics. After making all these changes, I realized it also threw away the experience people loved.

A broken map robot, who won't make it into the game

[h2]Back To the Roots[/h2]
But even failed experiments are valuable. After making and unmaking these redesigns, I now appreciate the original system's simplicity. There's a reason that the all major factory games have a similar research system: it encourages automation of more and more complex resources, it encourages careful consideration of resources, and it encourages using factories you've already constructed to push forward down the tech tree.

The upcoming forest update will not only add a new area, but rebalance all the existing recipes to reduce the need for constantly rebuilding miners, as well as fixing some build times and ratios to make factories feel less chaotic.

I appreciate the messages of encouragement and suggestions, and even appreciate the messages demanding news. It's motivating to see a community out there have enjoyed where this game currently is, and where this game is going in the future.

Before I sign off, a quick note on the journey ahead. I've been balancing this passion project with part-time contract work from the start. It's a sustainable setup that keeps me independent and fully invested in the world of Industrial Petting. So, no worries about sudden goodbyes – I'm here for the long haul, and I'm excited to keep building this game with you.


After much experimentation, we're enhancing the game with new technology and creatures to match. Expect more pets, more fun, and continued dedication to making Industrial Petting the best it can be.

Your enthusiasm fuels this journey. Send suggestions in-game, or join our Discord to share your ideas for new pets and areas.

Steam Deck Support and Dev Progress

Happy year of the rabbit!

Industrial Petting is now Steam Deck Verified, so go ahead and do some petting while on the couch, plane, train, or just lounging in the forest.

We're still working behind the scenes on the next update, and can hopefully show a lot more in the next few months.

June Forestry News

Summer is here, and progress is being made. Moose and squirrels have been relocated to a new deeper forest area, and broken abandoned factory parts are scattered throughout these woods. You and some broken robots will rebuild this world to try and figure out what has happened.

In the next week or two, I'm going to be updating the test branch with this new progression, and will be looking for feedback! Old saves can't be loaded, there is some important art missing, and there will be some bugs, but I would like feedback from players willing to try something a little broken.

If you want more updates when that happens, as always, join the discord!

April's Petting Progress

Hey everyone! Spring is here near the office, and development is squirreling along for the big update. Most of the game's current progression system has been removed to make way for a new scanning tool and pet markets.

Justifying those changes is some new story work and worldbuilding being added. While I'm happy with the basic gameplay, there's some plot which needs to be developed before we launch from early access.

Also, I finally have a Steam Deck here! I discovered last night that it will automatically download an old broken linux version of Industrial Petting from three years ago, but I'll try to have that fixed soon. Controller support is already in the game, so all that's needed are performance and support fixes.

Muuse Arrival

[h2]What happened in 2021?[/h2]

This last year did not have any major content releases, which was the result of some failed prototyping, and makes it seem like nothing was happening behind the scenes. A lot of time was spent prototyping some higher level automation gameplay, involving managing factories on a planet and hooking those larger factories together. While that could potentially be interesting in the far future, there aren't enough pets and lower level mechanics right now to justify adding those extra layers of meta-gameplay. Additionally, I took on some contract work to help pay the bills and build up enough funds to only work on Industrial Petting for 2022.

[h2] What's next in 2022?[/h2]

All is not lost from that failed prototype, however. We now can support multiple disconnected areas, as well as players having visually pleasing transitions between those areas. Using that, I'm going to spend this upcoming year focusing on just adding more content to the current design, rather than redesigining everything.

TL;DR What's in store for this year? More pets, more areas, more behavior.

If you have feedback/ideas for what to add in the future, join the discord!

  • New Muuse Pets
  • Fix VR Teleport not working
  • Fix missing/broken animations on some pets
  • Fix occasional broken material on deconstructor
  • Fix broken material on sploofer
  • Fix broken missing cosmetic hookup on SizeableSploofer
  • Fix destruction tool not showing correct numbers
  • Fix missing description on Gem Hat
  • Better Audio/Animation Sync on pets
  • Add missing pumpkin description
  • Pets don't stop just outside Industrial Petter range
  • Wood planks a little chunkier looking
  • Hungry pets no longer follow player
  • Add flashlight at night