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  3. My Free Zoo - It's getting colorful!

My Free Zoo - It's getting colorful!

Promotions, animals, new features - the most exciting week of the year in your browser zoo has begun.
The Black Friday week brings an entirely new feature to the browser zoo: the Designer Shop. You'll find this new building from Level 29 in front of the main entrance. With this, you can equip your animals with special items from four categories.

In addition, you can give your animals special effects and sounds that play when you take care of them. Furthermore, you can change the ground in the enclosure here.

To give you a glimpse into the new feature, you'll receive a package of seven items when logging in until November 29th. With this, you can test for free if you like the innovation.

Additionally, with the Designer Shop, a new mixed enclosure comes into play. There, you can place various animals, but they all need to be equipped with the new items.