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Cultist Simulator News

2023.5.p.12 PEONY

- Made it more clear that allies can't kill the Foe in Exile.

- Fixed 'Our Enemy's Identity' description.

- Fixed an assortment of memory leaks.

- Cards in verb slots and outputs don't play their decay animation if the verb window is closed.

- Small rework of the influences' upgrade and subversion:
- Interactions with Contentment are less erratic.
- The Lore slot doesn't spoil lore fragments' descriptions.

- Verb windows now display text in a consistent size and use scrollbars if it doesn't fit.

- Experimental changes in the flow of timers.

- Alt recipes correctly display their deck draws (instead of displaying the main recipe's deck draws).

- Fixed an incorrect description in the Russian localization of the Younger Sister.

- Fixed a verb timer sometimes not assuming the correct colour.

- Restored a special audio cue for the Time verb.

- Cards in the Mansus disappear dramatically again.

- Cards in the Mansus are flipped before vanishing - that was an accidental change, sorry!

- Added a description for missing Essential slot requirements.

- Escape button does not close an opened verb window while the settings window is open.

- Exile cities are properly highlighted and faded once again.

- Cards in verbs don't occasionally jump when clicked.

- Streamlined the pause behaviour in the Mansus and settings menu.

- Fixed the Mansus portal window not closing under mysterious circumstances.

- Fix for cards sometimes thinking that they occupy slightly more space than they are in reality, and thus preventing cards to be placed in a space near them, despite it being actually empty.

- At some point, cards that were supposed to be invisible - but only inside verbs - became also invisible on the table - but, like, confusingly invisible. Now visible again, as they always were.

- MODDING: An order in which element's aspects react to xtriggers is now consistent (by id, alphabetical).

- MODDING: Entities now have a '$depends' and '$incompatible' property - a list of mod ids that are required/forbidden for this entity definition to be applied. More specifically, $depends mean 'all listed mods must be enabled', and $incompatible means 'none of listed mods must be enabled'.
Mod id is taken from serapeum_catalogue_number.txt in the mod's folder - it is created automatically on first Workshop upload, but can be created manually for non-Steam users. If no file is present, mod id equals its name.

- MODDING: Custom input settings now work properly.

- MODDING: Aspect xtriggers are significantly reworked - this was an obscure feature and it collected dust for years, but now, hopefully, assumed its final form:
- All aspects of a card now react to xtriggering (previously only mutations did).
- The 'Transform' morph effect now transforms a card, even when triggered by an aspect. This way, all morph effects work uniformly, regardless of where they are defined.

- MODDING: The new 'xexts' property on the elements. A string-string pair, works in a way similar to xtriggers - whenever a card meets a key-catalyst of an xext, it displays the description of this xext in its current verb.

- MODDING: Fixed a bug when using an expulsion on an instant additional recipe didn't work.

- MODDING: $plus/$minus work again.

- MODDING: Levers now can have default values, and you can change default values of vanilla levers.

- MODDING: Card labels display rich text correctly.




Cultist Sim has a new baby sister: enter BOOK OF HOURS

Our new game in the Secret Histories universe - that’s the one Cultist Simulator started, with the Hours and the Principles and the Suppression Bureau and the early twentieth-century occultism played out in text-boxes and cards - is out now. Manage an occult library in BOOK OF HOURS, where you can’t be murdered by Dread!


You may be interested in the weeklong Perpetual Edition deal, the same deal we offered in Cultist's launch week. This means if you buy BOOK OF HOURS in its first week of sale (that’s any time from now to 6PM BST / 10AM PDT on Thursday 24th August) you automatically get ‘Perpetual Edition’, meaning all future content expansions are free forever. There’s also a 10% launch discount, and a bundle of free desktop and mobile wallpapers included in it, so it’s a fantastic deal if I do say so myself! But the choice, as always, is yours.

BOOK OF HOURS is a kinder, less punishing game than Cultist Sim, but I strongly suspect if you like Cultist you’ll enjoy this new game too. It’s three times the size in terms of content; its recipes are more complex; and there’s no way to actually die - except sort of, I suppose, if you set fire to your journal or throw it down a well. See how that works out for you.

Cultist Simulator is in a good place right now. It’s stable, there’s a healthy mod community to keep things fresh, and we’ll still be updating it regularly with bug fixes and QoL improvements. (We might even come back with some larger DLC later down the line, but no promises yet!) So while our focus for the moment is on BOOK OF HOURS, I just wanted to let you know that we’ve not forgotten about the game that started it all. It’s just walking Streets Strange By Moonlight, and dreaming strange sweet dreams.

Thanks for playing, and may you glimpse the Mansus in your dreams tonight.


Lottie & Alexis

Cultist Simulator BETA (gateofhorn) patch

- Black rectangles were appearing briefly instead of card labels in verb slots.
- HOTFIX: Verb text scrollbars weren't appearing and/or acting irrationally sometimes.
- At some point, cards that were supposed to be invisible - but only inside verbs - became also invisible on the table - but, like, confusingly invisible. Now visible again, as they always were.
- Fix for cards sometimes thinking that they occupy slightly more space than they are in reality, and thus preventing cards to be placed in a space near them, despite it being actually empty.
- MODDING: $plus/$minus work again.
- MODDING: levers now can have default values, and you can change default values of vanilla levers.
- MODDING: Card labels display rich text correctly.


"Marksman, detective, renegade. He has always been a quiet man, but since he left the Suppression Bureau, he has grown even quieter, and terribly still - except for his fingers and for his eyes, always in restless motion."

It's June the 28th, once again. So I thought I'd pop in briefly to share our beautiful, melancholy new trailer for BOOK OF HOURS, the next game in the same universe as Cultist Simulator. (AK says I'm not allowed to call it a spiritual successor because that sets the wrong expectations, so, er, I won't! I'll just say that anyone who likes Cultist will almost certainly like BOOK OF HOURS, and will find out more Secret Histories lore along the way. Praise be to the Chandler.)

Hope it tugs at your heart strings!


If you want more info, check out our latest blog. Otherwise, back to bringing the Dawn!
