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Summer Islands News

Indie Game Fest 2024 & News about the coming Update v0.9.4

Hello everyone,

Once again, I can only inform you about an interim status and draw your attention to an upcoming event

From Friday 31.05.2024 14-21 o'clock and Saturday 01.06.2024 13-21 o'clock we are at the Indie Game Fest in Cologne with our own booth.
Come by and play a round or just chat and get to know each other.
I'm looking forward to seeing you again!!!!

All information about the Indie Game Fest and tickets can be found on the following page.
We have also been sent the following code for a 20% discount on tickets for the festival: Game20.

Here is also the list of all games participating in the Indie Game Fest:

[h2]Upcoming update:[/h2]
I'm working hard on the new update. A few new architecture changes have been thrown out and others have been created.
With every test cycle you get new insights that lead to changes.
But what I can already announce in any case:

Buses are coming.
Buses are intended as fillers for tourists at airports and ports. This means that as soon as tourists arrive in paradise, buses drive from the airport through the streets and roads. You cannot and should not build bus stops or create bus routes. If you haven't built a bicycle, moped or car rental service, the tourists will already arrive with buses at their vacation destination.

You can build roads around the corner:
I think it's a feature that will make life a little easier for some people. You no longer need 2 clicks to build roads, no, you can now build around corners with just one click. This simplifies building and saves a lot of time.

Bonus/Malus area
You experts probably already know the areas by heart. But there is now a guideline to show you how big the bonus/malus area around the buildings is. Please note that all tourists from your street network visit all buildings if they are in the street network. But the area around the building gives your building a certain bonus or malus. e.g. No tourist wants to go to a hotel right next to an airport or landfill.

There are also a few hints if a building has a problem

As you can see, there are some changes and improvements coming.
I am improving and fixing bugs in all corners.
My goal is to finish the new update in the next 2-3 weeks.

Until then, thank you for your patience.

P.S. If you ❤️ Summer Islands, we would be very 🤩 about a 👍 Review.

Have fun https://trello.com/b/FbC1a19w/devboard-summer-islands

Gaming Festival & Architecture Blog for v0.9.4

Hello everyone,

Time is passing far too quickly again. It's only just been Christmas and now I hope that everyone had a good Easter.
I would like to bring you up to date with the latest news. What is currently being worked on, what else is happening, etc.

[h3]First of all, the most urgent NEWS:[/h3]
[h2]Summer Islands is part of CAGGTUS 2024.[/h2]
https://www.caggtus.de #GamesGround #Caggtus
From April 5 to 7, 2024, we will be at Caggtus in Leipzig with our own booth in the Indie area to show everyone who wants to play Summer Islands.
Come by and play a round or just chat and get to know each other.
I'm looking forward to seeing you!!!!

[h3]The next update:[/h3]
As you might have guessed, I've been working on the next update for a few weeks now.
In terms of the timeline, the engine upgrade is coming in the next update (and of course a few other little things)
The aim is to round off Summer Islands even further in all areas so that there are no major surprises on release.
This means that with the latest update I'm trying to keep the FPS at 60 (maximum drops to 30 fps), the side missions need to be calibrated and the map editor needs to be adapted for Steam Workshop.

As you can see, there are a lot of things going on under the hood. There are also no more major features planned before the release (I hope this is not a surprise. The timeline has been mentioned here before).

To summarize: We are working on the next update. Your wishes and feedback are welcome at any time.

However, I would like to go into a little more detail about the current technical situation in this news post. In other words, for anyone who also deals with software architecture or wants to understand the IT behind the game in more detail.

The longer you develop games, the more you look at the structures in games. "How was this effect added?", "ah, this little movement already gives you the feeling for XY", "look, the waterfall also only contains 3 textures that move back and forth". Here you still have to be careful that you can still enjoy games. But you also understand that computer games only ever want to and can convey the atmosphere to the player with the smallest of means. Because every calculation in a game must be considered efficiently so as not to diminish the gameplay experience. "Is this fluid calculation for the water worth it or is a simplified calculation enough?", "How much atmosphere does this effect add to the FPS?".
This constant back and forth has accompanied me a lot in recent years.

When programming, there are always two ways to solve complex problems: Solve the problem with computing power or memory capacity. So you can recalculate the position, angle etc. of an object in the game again and again or you can save the information about the object and call it up when required.
If you solve a problem using the computing power, you have full flexibility. With the memory capacity you have more power for other calculations.

Since we have implemented Summer Islands in Javascript, many things are rewritten with the engine upgrade to the memory capacity. The different layers from the browser, JS, Executable to the actual calculation are not designed for high computing power. Nevertheless, a high degree of flexibility is always required at the start of development in order to implement changes quickly.
This has always been an advantage for Summer Islands.
Even if the latest version of the FrontEnd Engine brings a change from WebGL to WebGPU, this unfortunately does not result in a "Plug&Play" stable 140fps.
The change is accompanied by many changes and this is noticeable in the creation of many textures. The focus is now more on reusing the textures that are already stored in the GPU cache. Therefore, all calculations and textures had to be temporarily stored in memory to a much greater extent.

It is well known that you should generally store everything in a cache. But that's always easier said than done. The textures in Summer Islands are all stored in the cache. But switching between textures and creating additional sprites (textures with additional properties) creates a lot of work, e.g. when 3000 bicycles are simply riding around in the landscape.
Also the creation of the fields (water, beach, grass,..) are no longer recalculated with every change. We have added another controller that is responsible for texture management. The rendering can always take all the information it needs for display from this pot without being disturbed.

At the moment I have gotten good results in some long-term tests on my programming laptop (i7-8750H, 16GB Ram, GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Max-Q). So after 45 years of game time with 15 bots and a 300 map size with 10,000,000,000 starting money (for the bots), it ran at 45-55 fps. The hardest calculations are for the moving objects (bike, car, ship, airplane).

As you can see, improvements are being made in all areas for this update. So it will probably take a while yet. Vacation is not planned until June. So I'll try to keep you up to date over the next few weeks.
But if you still find bugs, have ideas or wishes, feel free to contact me at any time.
Even with the release, this does not mean that features will not be added.

P.S. If you ❤️ Summer Islands, we would be very 🤩 about a 👍 Review.

Have fun https://trello.com/b/FbC1a19w/devboard-summer-islands

February Update 2024 [v0.9.3] with building plan stores and more

Hello everyone,

ATTENTION: v0.9.3 is not yet Steamdeck compatible. Steam has forwarded the problem to the Proton team. Until then, another version can be selected via Properties>Betas.

Here are the new features:

The biggest change to the game in this update is the unlocking of building plans.
So we thought we'd make some real money with Summer Islands and integrate an in-game store with microtransactions, cryptocurrency and awesome NFTs!!!

But the main component in Summer Islands is money, so it's not a bad idea to be able to unlock the buildings with money.
This means that the new buildings are no longer unlocked randomly during the course of the game, but can be bought one after the other.
A few buildings are already unlocked at the beginning. The others are sorted per category according to purchase price.
A store has therefore been integrated in which you can buy building plans and then build the buildings.

This changes the gameplay somewhat. However, this gives each player the opportunity to implement their own most efficient construction plan.

In addition, minor details have been added and bugs corrected.
Preparations have also been made for the currently planned next update (engine upgrade).

P.S. If you ❤️ Summer Islands, we would be very 🤩 about a 👍 Review.

Have fun https://trello.com/b/FbC1a19w/devboard-summer-islands

  • ADDED: Research building implemented
  • ADDED: Map marker is integrated in the savegame

  • FIX: Road direction of the bots was displayed incorrectly
  • FIX: Chart tourist all data has displayed only last months
  • FIX: Pause mode also pauses the tooltip in the finance menu
  • FIX: Environmental & social costs were not deducted correctly
  • FIX: Fixed costs were calculated too high
  • FIX: Plants have grown over pollution
  • CHANGED: Research tree menu and correlation menu merged
  • CHANGED: Random building activation switched off
  • CHANGED: Plant growth greatly slowed down
  • CHANGED: Upgrade PIXIJS v7.2.0 to v7.4.0

Capitalism and Economy Fest

Let's celebrate capitalism and spend even more money :D

December Update 2023 [v0.9.2] with plant growth and more

Hello everyone,

Here are the new features:

In the next updates, the flora will be integrated a little more into the game. For example, ships should no longer be able to reach the harbor if there are large mangroves in the way. Or surfers can't find water if everything is full of trees.

A few more effects/infos have been added about the changes to the key figures at the top of the screen. I.e. if you build something, you will see a red number drop down or if you have received more reputation at the end of the month or a new star.

In addition, the multiplayer menus have been slightly adapted to the standard.

P.S. If you ❤️ Summer Islands, we would be very 🤩 about a 👍 Review.

Have fun https://trello.com/b/FbC1a19w/devboard-summer-islands

  • ADDED: Growing plants
  • ADDED: Star animation when changing the victory stars
  • ADDED: Numbers at the top center receive an animation when they change

  • FIX: Building menu selection of buildings
  • CHANGED: Reduced costs for terraforming on land
  • CHANGED: Option menu audio settings revised
  • CHANGED: Multiplayer connection menu revised