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  3. Knights of Honor II Beta Patch Notes

Knights of Honor II Beta Patch Notes

Game ver. 1.6.0b3, 03-Nov -2023

Build version 31750

Bugfixes and changes

- Added translations
- Fixed text bug: replaced "+0.5 gold per worker" with "+100% gold from population" in Scutage tooltip
- Fixed text bug: "Castle" instead of "Keep"
- Fixed ConvertVassalReligionAction counting the wrong type of religions for neighbors penalty
- Fixed a bug that when stacking too many negative modifiers, chances for a successful action would go up instead of being 0
- Vassals will now accept almost any province if offered
- Halved the time required for the 3 Declare Vassal Action
- Made all Vassal Actions require the king to not be leading an army
- Starting wars created at the start of a campaign now have -75% chance to be declared against a vassal (reduces the Demand Sovereign Defend messages at the start of the game)
- Made AI more hesitant to attack vassals with strong sovereigns
- Added DemandSovereignDefend message that auto-triggers when someone attacks a vassal (With this message the vassal requests the aid of the sovereign, or the sovereign faces crown authority, relations and opinions penalties)
- Added a siege weapon to mercenary armies including the necessary UI
- Fixed Papal States being able to form Italy
- Fixed Vassal Provinces being instantly religiously converted
- Fixed bug where scutages would join their sovereign’s offensive wars
- Made marches way more likely to support their sovereign in offensive wars