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Jetstream News

Express Boarding

Firstly, thanks to everyone that supported us during launch! It's been a pleasure to get Jetstream out there and see you all enjoy it so much. if you liked the game please leave us a review so the algorithm gods can bless us ;)

Good news is that work on Jetstream didn't stop when it was released. We've slowly been fixing some small bugs and polishing some rough edges. We have some exciting major new features we're still working on, but we thought we'd take the time to release a small minor update with all the improvements since launch.

  • Added some stuck detection with subtle hints to skip levels
  • Added an extra check for the "BASICS" achievement on startup
  • Added some credits to the loading screen
  • Improved the alternative goal UX
  • Improved controller support
  • Improved plane direction tweening at the start of a move
  • Fixed a bug with level number alignment
  • Fixed a bug where resetting progress didn't reset menu stamp state

Stay tuned for the announcements about the big new features in the works. Our approach is to first finish something 99% before announcing it, but let's just say the current in-progress feature will add a lot more Jetstream content for everyone, and we're hoping to get it done in the next few months!

Jetstream has achieved lift-off!

Without further ado, Jetstream has lifted off and is ready for everyone to play and enjoy right now! We hope you really enjoy the game, and don't forget to leave a review :)

We have added a sweet 10% launch week discount, and if you buy the game plus soundtrack together, you can score an even sweeter discount: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/10405/Jetstream__Soundtrack/


Jetstream is arriving on 2 April!

We're super excited to announce that Jetstream will be coming to Steam on 2 April 2019! The game will be $10 and the OST will be $5. We're looking forward to getting the game to everyone and we know you're gonna love it as much as we do :)

Official website: http://jetstreamgame.com/
