1. Super Powered Battle Friends
  2. News
  3. Current State of SPBF

Current State of SPBF

Hey everyone, I just wanted to post an announcement here to let the players who still keep up with the game know what's been going on.

During 2021 we spent a lot of time porting SPBF to GameMaker Studio 2 and we have proper bots and proper rollback netcode in place as well as a matchmaking server. The palette system was reworked to use the full palette of each charcter, We even have 8 player local! These changes are in an internal branch at the moment as they were being actively developed and tested up until December 2021. The code is nice and clean, the pipeline for adding new characters/movesets/stages is all there however, many of the characters are still missing attack animations and more.

During the pandemic our artists enrolled/graduated school and are now full-time programmers at other places. This has left us shorthanded with our art workload and until we can find new artists/animators development is kind of at a stand still.

If you or anyone you know is looking for work as a pixel artist (primarily an animator) please don't hesitate to join our discord and let one of the programmers know!

As a final note, We aren't giving up on the project and we have faith that we'll find one or two artists/animators to help us continue our roadmap