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War Brokers News

War Brokers v500 Update

- Easter Battle Royale starts on 3/27, ends on 4/1
- New old items in the store
- Fix bug where instruction to close large map was not showing up
- Update SSL certificates
- Fix bug where AK SMG would not be selectable if not logged in
- If you self destruct, it counts as a kill for whoever damaged you last
- Fix server crash under very rare circumstances

War Brokers v499 Update

- Add Recover Facebook account to Support from main game page
- Fix bug that was causing slowdown after playing ZDC a few times
- Fix bug when shooting dead person with health gun
- Fix bug that would cause infinite red bars
- Adjust radius of no ammo and heal effects to 15m
- Reduced the fire rate of the crossbow

War Brokers v498 - Xmas Event

"War Brokers v498
2023-10-23 Xmas Event!!!

- New items in the shop (gloves, JoJa's Pizza Delivery, Santa's Elf, Ice trail FX, etc)
- Fixed bug where extra player could be on your squad
- Add Gun Game to Cologne
- Don't activate chainsaw when inventory menu is open
- Removed Incognito Mode as it was getting abused
- Knockback ability lasts 90 seconds now
- Armor ability lasts 90 seconds, take 75% less damage, but enemies will aggro on you over anyone else unless they shoot the monster. Also will show a red aura around the player when active.
- Speed ability now includes the jump ability, lasts 90 seconds. Removed Jump ability
- Fixed bug not triggering radar ability
- Shield ability lasts 90 seconds now
- Ammo ability lasts 90 seconds now. It also will show a blue aura around the player and any player within 30 meters will not consume ammo.
- Healing ability last 60 seconds and has a radius of 30m
- Adjust player spawns in Office map
- Put Temple map back into rotation
- New Healing Gun. Shoot a friendly player with it to heal them.
- New AK SMG
- Changed Auto Sniper damage from 150 - 125 and increased recoil.
- Fixed white lines on shoulders of vampire."

War Brokers v496 Update

War Brokers v496
2023-10-23 Halloween Event continues!!!

- To play Zombie Dead City, select Dead City as game mode and then select Zombie Dead City as server
- Yet another new Halloween themed outfit!
- Fixed bug where chainsaw idle sound could be heard on the menu
- Fixed bug where you could warp to your squad mate after the round started
- LMG can now take the 100 round mag
- Fix cutoff of the Chainsaw name display
- Lowered kill zone damage at the start of Zombie Dead City

War Brokers v494 Update

WarBrokers v494

- Fixed checkboxes on Friends page
- Tweaked Grenade Launcher damage
- Updated store items