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Smalland: Survive the Wilds News

Smalland: Survive the Wilds VR

Shrink down and gear up! Smalland: Survive the Wilds VR is out now on Meta

🛠 Build with your own tiny Smallfolk hands!
🕷 Battle colossal creepy-crawlies!
💚 Befriend and customise loads of buggy-buddies!


Only on Meta! bit.ly/SmallandVR

Got questions? We’ve got you covered! Check out this faq, here!

From the world of Smalland: Survive the Wilds, immerse yourself into a new epic single-player adventure as a Smallfolk in a gigantic world. After centuries living underground, the Smallfolk emerge from their burrows to reclaim the Overland now that the giants have gone. Explore, scavenge, craft and build as you fight to gain a foothold in this hostile new world.

Scavenge or refine resources to construct encampments with multiple material tiers, from wood to stone. Build your own permanent structure safely at the top of your very own Great Tree.

Pick up your builder’s hammer at the workbench and craft the various weapons, armour sets and tools that’ll aid your survival in this vast, dangerous world.

Experience a world ruled by giant insects, arachnids and more. Some take kindly to strange beings in their territory, others do not. Tame and customise creatures to join your stable and take arms against enemies - this world and its inhabitants are yours to conquer.

Adventure through a land forgotten by time, with ancient relics from a long-forgotten era. Traverse stone sewers, sandy beaches, winding tunnels and dense caverns as you explore the land of the giants.

Hotfix 10: Crafting-Time toggle world option

Greetings Smallfolk!

We hear you and have taken all your feedback onboard!

With the latest hotfix we've added a slider that allows you to decrease, increase and eliminate the crafting time altogether.

Thank you for your patience.

Hotfix #9 and Update regarding Crafting Systems

Thanks to everyone in the community for all of your feedback to the latest update. We're reading all of your review and comments, taking onboard everything we can to continue improving the Smalland.

First of all, as of now, there's a new Hotfix live which addresses an issue preventing purchases from NPCs. This should now be working for any affected users at all NPCs.

Secondly, we're currently working on a solution to give you control over crafting time. This will include reduction settings to the vanilla crafting times, increases, and the ability to turn off crafting time altogether. This new setting is being prototyped right now in response to feedback and we expect to have more information on a patch time in the coming days.

And finally, with this hotfix are some additional hairstyles and facepaints!

All of the customization are immediately available with no unlock requirements and can be found in both the character creator, as well as through the in-game Scrying Pool.

We thank you for your continued support.

33% off for a limited time!

Smalland is 33% off!

The first update of 1.0 is live and during it's midweek deal is 33% off!


Get it now!

Patch Notes #12: The Crafting Update

Greetings Smallfolk!


We've laid the foundations, placed a bed, got a roof up, now it's time to build on what we have with the first update of 1.0, The Crafting Update!

One of our most requested features! Crafting stations can now use items from nearby storage containers. The radius for this effect is shown when placing or inspecting both chests and crafting stations.

We have over 300 placable items in Smalland now, so a little bit of tidying up is in order with extra tabs to quickly filter through the Buildable and Cosmetic menus.

A new type of scalable building block with 3 shapes - Squares? In a survival-crafting game? The smallfolk yearn for the mines...

Crafting certain items now takes time. Fuel requirements for some crafting recipes - Various resources can be used to fuel crafting stations. These are indicated with a fuel icon.

Crafting stations now have visuals to show when they are in use or not.

A craftable and placable item which stakes claim to a square plot of land outside of tree-bases. Building and interaction with items inside of the range is limited to the owner. The space can be made public for building, interaction, or both by the owner.

And before I leave you. A few teases of some things we're working on for next update...

Don't miss out on upcoming teases!

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