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Fight or Flight News

Fight or Flight - 0.62

Another small hot fix here, posted urgently as i discovered a bug caused by the auto-equip on network clients.

Next patch should finally have the factory area replacement done (fingers crossed) along with a smaller deathmatch level based off it, and if all goes well i will implement a TDM mode as requested, and then eventually feed the work done from that into team modes for the other game modes!
Thanks for the recent suggestions in both reviews and the forums, its very appreciated.

AI; Bots will now only use their pistols for the first 3 minutes
AI; Bots will not attack other bots for the first 1 minute
AI; Corrected damage on some of the AI weapons
AI; Further improvements to bot pathing
Player; Fixed new bug with Scopes on network clients
Game Mode; Fixed bugs with Deathmatch mode
Misc; Fixed bug with radiation hazard sounds effects

Fight or Flight - 0.61

Just a tiny patch to improve a couple of things.

AI; Further decreased chances of bots dying to the zone (WIP)
Player; Added auto-equip for weapon scopes
UI; Fixed small bug in spawn selection screen

Fight or Flight - 0.60 - Extraction

With this update comes a new game mode to replace the "Hunted" mode. It is a simple extraction-based game mode.
To extract you must *harvest an artifact* from a monster, keep it in your inventory, then extract at one of the locations marked on the map.
The extractions will only become active after the first 10 minutes of game play. Locations are slightly randomized for each match.

XP/Silver rewards have been adjusted to reward you better for artifacts, and safe extraction.

The UI has been substantially reworked to make it look nicer and make it more readable, particularly on lower resolutions for devices such as the Steam Deck.

There is also a little "Bodycam" mode i have added for fun, you can toggle this by pressing "DELETE"

*NOTE* If for some reason you keys or mouse no longer work, go into settings, input bindings and click "reset" this should fix up any issues

----FIX NOTES----
AI; Zombies can now open doors
AI; Added more possible loot options for "Bots" to drop on death
AI; Bots now carry flashlights at night time and use them when not sprinting
AI; Bots now have varying armor levels based on skill setting (under 25 no armor, 26-50 level 1, 51-75 level 2, 76-100 bad ass (Helmets look different for bots to make it easier to spot them)
Player; Fixed character eye height / 1p camera position
Player; Fixed bug with zone damage not playing certain damage effects
Player; Improved smoothness while using large scopes
Player; Fixed bug with looting while crouching
Weapons; MP5, Sounds replaced
Weapons; Increased recoil on all weapons slightly
Weapons; Dropped headshot damage down from 2x to 1.5x
Game Mode; Changed starting loadout of "Special Forces" class to G18 and AR15
Game Mode; Increased XP reward for finishing the match while having an Artifact in your inventory, these are currently gained by killing Monsters
Game Mode; Extraction game mode added, this is a replacement for the Hunted game mode
General; Improved layout of various houses
General; Bodycam mode added just for fun, can be toggled by pressing "DELETE"
Level; Moved entire school into the sun a bit more, and reworked playground area to be much larger with a basketball court
UI; Reworked UI to look better and function better including improving it at lower resolutions such as 720p and 800p for the Steam Deck


Fight or Flight - 0.50 - AI Fixes

A patch to finally address some of the pressing AI issues!
This includes fixes to AI Bots, Zombies and most importantly the Monster attacks have been greatly improved so you can no longer so easily avoid being attacked!


----FIX NOTES----
AI; Improved bot behavior when not in safe zone, they will now sprint to the inside of the safe zone if they are not safe
AI; Fixed issue with bots outside of zone some times not receiving correct damage
AI; Improved bot pathing (WIP)
AI; Improved bot door opening
AI; Fixed bot spawn issues @ Factory and Mill Base
AI; Reduced situations where bots will get stuck, it's not full proof, but better, this is a WIP
AI; Fixed various bugs with Bot, Zombie and Monster behaviors
AI; Improved Monster attack sequences
AI; Fixed bugs with monster harvesting sequence
AI; You can no longer walk through the bears head
AI; Added camera shakes to monster attacks
GameMode; Speed up timing of first and second zones in BR modes
General; Fixed bug preventing use of Artifacts

Fight or Flight - 0.49 - Rewards, AI and Weapon Improvements

Gamemode; Increased XP to Silver reward to make skins easier to obtain
AI; Reworked targeting system for AI, AI will now no longer just aim for your head. Most AI will aim for your chest, this will change with bot skill level in future patches
Animations; Fixed up 3p Rifle and Pistol anims to line up more correctly with the characters aim, also added a small head movement when targeting
Weapons; Improved and fixed bugs with weapon breathing bob and weapon bob
Weapons; Weapons, Attachments, Player arms etc are all now at a fixed fov so they don't get stretched when using higher field of views
Weapons; Complete weapon position and attachment overhaul, including adding rails to guns that did not have them (ie ru74s)
Weapons; All irons Zero'd to 100m in a "center hold" position, ie the tip of the iron sight is where the bullet will land at 100m
Weapons; All scopes Zero'd to 100m at the center dot, all 4,6,8 marks on each scope is 400m,600m,800m etc
Weapons; AR15 and AK105 updated to correct scale, with new reload animations
Weapons; Fixed some impact effects and improved reworked all bullet ricochet and penetration settings
General; Further optimization for performance particulary around AI performance
General; Removed OpenXR plugins to help a bit with the newly released UEVR injector (not something i recommend at this point, but we will see...)

Pay attention to this one;! ;)
Weapons; 'SCAR-L' changed to be the correct 'SCAR-H' now called the MK17 like other games. Updated to use the correct 7.62mm ammo, with more damage , its now the most powerful gun in the game, have fun while it lasts because i think i will nerf it a bit next patch ;)

-note: some attachments don't suit certain weapons, for example the "micro dot" looks silly on some AR's and some Rifles. Ill work to improve this

Im pretty happy with a lot of these things like the weapons now :) My goals with the next patch will be to focus on reworking the buildings/houses, correcting the scale on the houses and populating everything with more props, larger areas, more buildings and hopefully redoing some of the larger POI's from scratch, and of course, continue to work on the AI.

I hope the new year has started well for everyone, enjoy and bring on 2024!~
