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  3. Have a good time all the time

Have a good time all the time

Hey Panda Peeps!

Can we get a “Heck Ye” for musicians? Their sensitive dispositions, their talented hands, their ability to make you swoon with a song… It’s like you put a guitar in a guy’s hands and his hotness gets cranked up to eleven! That was a joke for all the rock n’ rollers out there, but if you didn’t get it, don’t sweat it!

What should be making you sweat is the fact that Myx’s all new Phone Fling has arrived! Seems he’s scored an audition for a promising new gig, and he could use your help and support to put his best foot - or should that be best note? - forward. Once you’ve got him to Lover level, just toss 10 Diamonds into his guitar case and you, too, can be a part of the magic behind the music.

We love you so hard,

The Pandas