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  2. News
  3. Sphere Transmission

Sphere Transmission

Heya space travelers,

It's the longest gap between two updates ever, so we felt it's time for an official transmission to let you know what's going on. We've been silent for quite a while now - apologies for that, but all questions are still being answered - and we wanted to assure you that stuff is still moving forward. Just slower (for the reasons below), but our plans for the future are still big, and this is not going to be our last story expansion.


Our original plan was to release the new story update at the end of last year - what happened? Simple answer: the cycle of life! A newborn baby is spicing things up, old cats have been demanding a lot of care (RIP Lola and safe travels!) and side jobs need some attention too. So we are trying to juggle it all and still push the game forward, but some things just need extra work - and at this point, predictions are hard to make as to when the last things will be fixed and tested. The important thing is that we're still here and doing our best for Gaia Beyond!

[h3]WHERE WE ARE[/h3]

Here! Although the first Chapter 2 / Sphere Arc announcement was made a while ago and a lot of sweat has gone into it, development is not yet complete. The writing has been done for a while, but after introducing the alternative route of Chapter 1, we had to add some new scenes and changes. The current status would be: everything is fully scripted except for the last three missions, but there are still some bugs and polishing issues remaining in missions 5 to 7. Missions 1 through 4 are fully tested, polished and playable. The work that is left is actually not too much, but because of the things mentioned above, it just takes longer than anticipated.

On the other hand, the waiting loops on the main front allowed us to check off some things that had been on hold for a while and waiting for a longer period like this one, such as:

  • UI rework: A bunch of small individual tasks have turned into a real rework - let's see where it goes until the release!

  • Portrait overhaul: To shine in the second chapter, old side characters that play a bigger role in it have been polished up and some have been completely replaced with new portraits.

  • Spanish localization

  • CARRIERS - they exist. We actually finished them a year ago and they are a blast! Sad to have them locked in our garage, and in honor of your patience, here is a piece of evidence! Preparing for your command:

[click for high quality]


Since in the current situation any scheduling could most likely go wrong, and we don't want to make false promises, we ask for your understanding for our imprecision: in the best case, with optimal conditions, it could be a matter of weeks - but the tediousness of the last months shows us that it will probably take longer.

The next step after the Sphere update will be to reach our self-imposed goals for an overall "2.0" status, also taking into account your feedback on the new content.

As mentioned at the beginning, your messages in the forum will always be read and usually answered quickly. If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to tell us something, we're always happy to hear from you!

Thank you for your understanding, for your patience - and of course: for playing!

Cheers from the Warp Turtle team!
(living up to its name more than ever)


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Learn more & stay tuned!