1. BugOut
  2. News
  3. Major Update 3.2

Major Update 3.2

This update brings quite a few changes from the last update, the last update brought a completely new build of the game, and with it brought quite a few bugs and problems. This update improves on that new build and fixes a lot of the issues with the last build. We had to temporarily turn off some of the gameplay and they will be implemented when we get some of the other gameplay smoothed out. You can see below a list of most of the changes in this update.

New Items and Fixes

* New Main Starting screen
* New Map ( we brought the original Bugout map back )
* New Stone Axe
* Tree-cutting action and animations changed
* Item wheel now has an inventory holster, tools and weapons must be added to the holster to be
accessed by the in-game wheel.
* Hotbar has been removed
* Q now brings up your tool wheel in-game
* New crafting menu
* New breakable crates, break with an ax to get some resources from the crate
* New Preppers Stash loot box. Find these metal boxes stashed around the map for some good loot.
* New Damage system for AI vs Player and Player vs AI
* New minable stones can be mined to get large stones, and large stones can be mined to get small stones
* Carry Log added, when you cut a tree down now you have to carry the logs, you can carry a max of 3 at a time, and you can no longer put logs into inventory.
* Carry Large Stone added, when you break up a rock now you have to carry the large stones, you can carry a max of 3 at a time, and you can no longer put large stones into inventory.
* New building system, you can place down prefab shelters and items ( Ghost copy ) then you add the resources needed to build the item. This is the new build system for all placeable items
* The new build system also allows for custom building too.
* Firewood can now be obtained by chopping a log with an axe.
* You can now burn sticks, long sticks, clothes, firewood, fiber, and more
* Clothes can now be put on and taken off the player, new clothing items to come soon
* New HUD and vitals display
* Pick-up items have changed, you now have to hold ( E ) to pick up items
* Snail added for food
* Snake Added
* New Item ( Save Crate ) you must have this item to save the game now, can be built from the survival book.
* Energy and sleep added, you have to sleep to recover energy, and your energy is connected with your stamina, you have less stamina the less energy you have.
* New storage crate added
* New storage drawers added
* Old logs and stumps spawn items now like birdnest, mushrooms, and snails.
* Can now drink from springs and creeks
* Bears now have higher hitpoints
* Wolves will now only spawn at night, They run in packs and are very deadly.
* Fall damage increased
* New working compass

Things that are temporarily disabled until further notice.

* Fishing ( this needs more work )
* Storyline ( Quest system is disabled just for a short time while we work on some quest UI issues)
* Third Person ( Disabled until we can properly work it into the new system, First person only for now )