1. The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark
  2. News
  3. Release notes - The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark - 2.32.378.9106

Release notes - The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark - 2.32.378.9106


  • - Issue with dialogue not being in the correct state after Resetting the game, causing softocks
  • - Issue using the Click to Start Menu Issue with a controller
  • - Loading Screen Music only playing for a brief second when exiting a Case
  • - Various Dialogue Choices and Menu issues
  • - Case 4: Ticket Booth Translation Issues
  • - Restarting a Case while Dialogue is on Screen making Dialogue Choices unable to be interacted with
  • - Item Hotspots overlapping inventory causing the wrong item to be picked up on smaller screens
  • - Case 6: Cables Hotspot disappearring after picking one up
  • - Case 6: Save/Load making the Science Bench Hotspot layer over Mcking's hotspot
  • - Case 4: Save/Load causing McQueen's hotspot to reappear at his previously position
  • - Hotspot text not layering above items when dragging them
  • - Case 2: No Door SFX when entering and leaving Nanny Dooley's Room
  • - Raxa Case: Save/Load makeing Raxa's reflection disappear in the first WWW Screen
  • - Strange issue with Main Interaction Button if it's not mapped
  • - Inventory items missing