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Sipho News

Sipho 1.2.3 patch is live!

Here's a little patch release that fixes some of recent feedback on the game:
[h2]Version 1.2.3f1[/h2]
  • Add Zooid health bar display options - control how long they are shown and if they are shown in Growth Mode
  • Leech renderer gets proportionally much less segments when scaling with stats - improves performance late epoch
  • Fix stacked Budlings sometimes erroring out when detached
  • Cache particle graphics settings so they are not read every time particles are spawned - improves performance in late epoch

Sipho 1.2.2f2 hotfix

Fixed game considering mouse as constantly active - that caused Controller aim input to stop working

Sipho 1.2.2 bugfixes are here!

Welcome old and new players!
With new player influx we have noticed several issues popping up more often than would be normally acceptable. Therefore, while working on new content, I wanted to gather a bunch of fixes and improvements to the game bit earlier and release that in this small update:

Version 1.2.2f1
  • Do not scale boss battle spawners in higher levels and epochs - fixes lag in late game
  • Handle input device timings better. Fixes PS4 controller being regarded as "used" at all times
  • Out of bounds areas in boss arenas appear black
  • Fix Zooid award effect despawning bit too early
  • Respect grid spawner Seed value when calculating random nudge offsets - fixes overlapping food and powerup spawns
  • Leech uses epsilon to check for pull distance instead of zero
  • Cra'Than boss 3 null ref guard - the boss should handle killing its parts while its growing better
  • Fix pacifist achievement erroring out in first level - might fix black screen issue for some players
  • Budded-off Siphos apply Mutations correctly
  • Fix caltrop activation sprite being visible after being ejected from Voider
  • Skin flowers aren't that shaky anymore when they get moved
  • Fix breed unlock progress not showing up correctly in Main Menu

As always, if you experience an issue, have suggestions or would like to share your creations - let us know! Also, the Daily Deal sale will persist throughout the week - if you like Sipho, let your friends know!

- Dominas

Sipho is on -20% sale!

Hello future Sipho players!
Sipho is now on historically high sale - 20% off! We have some bits of information of what to expect in the game:

[h3]Get new Zooid parts by slaying bosses![/h3]
Bosses get harder and drop increasingly more rewards. Don't get scared - most bosses have weaknesses!

[h3]Make powerful builds![/h3]
Parts have various synergies - be sure to experiment with what you get!

[h3]Recompose in Aquarium![/h3]
If you're feeling stuck, be sure to wind down in Aquarium. You can explore various existing creations to seek for new build strategies!

[h3]Beyond your Epoch[/h3]
Once you beat the game, you won't beat it just once - be sure to dive further away from Open Waters and start new Epochs. Wild Mutation combinations await you!

[h3]Join the community![/h3]
Share your strategies, builds and skill-related inconveniences on our Discord!
And be sure to share your creations on Workshop!

Something's being cooked
- Dominas

Our NinjaKyat's Antipaint is out now!

Hello Siphonophoreans!

One of the fathers of Sipho, NinjaKyat, has released their solo project called Antipaint! It is a roguelite action-shooter where each levels becomes a painting. The game features an awesome soundtrack from real live bands, really juicy effects that make popping enemies super satisfying and wacky items that parallel Sipho Late Epoch Gameplay™️.

From my personal experience, I've been playtesting the game and it hasn't gotten old yet - it's a really nice way to let off steam after day's work. It feels like I can still break the game in different ways and while doing so, I have started putting my attention to the level's dynamic canvas - some intrusive thoughts come in tell you to try manipulating your playstyle just to draw on it. There are some creative gameplay parallels with Sipho for sure.


So while waiting for the next Sipho update, I recommend trying Anpaint out, it has a free demo after all!
