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The Great Gaias News

Update 7/08/2023

Bug Fixes
Fixed some typos

QoL Improvements
You can now fine tune volume control by 1% increments
Optimized memory usage

Codex Eternal: Campaign Setting Kickstarter Goes Live!

For the past two decades, my friend Brian Swahn and I have been creating games that capture the sense of adventure and imagination we experienced while playing Dungeons and Dragons as kids. We founded our company to stay connected and continue working together, even as our lives took us in different directions we were able to create The Great Gaias and Gjallarhorn. Now, we're excited to embark on a new venture and bring our games back to their roots of tabletop gaming, where we believe they can truly shine and bring people together in new and exciting ways.

Our passion for creating games that capture the imagination and sense of adventure that we felt as kids has never wavered. We want to create immersive experiences that transport players to new worlds and connect them with others around the table. By supporting our campaign, you'll be helping us achieve our dream and bring these games to life for a new generation of players.
In return for your support, we're offering a range of rewards that include exclusive access to limited edition merchandise, our digital collection of works, and even the chance to design your own character in our new campaign setting.

Even if you can't contribute financially, you can still help us spread the word and make this campaign a success.

Please visit our Kickstarter page to learn more about our project and consider supporting us.
Thank you for your support and for helping us bring these games back to life, your support is truly appreciated.

Best regards,

Matt Pappalardo
Creative Director

Horizon’s End www.horizonsend.com

Update 5/1/2023

Bug Fixes
GP costs now display properly when purchasing Arena Rewards

QoL Improvements
Viewing Equipment in the Inventory Screen now displays flavor text about the gear piece

Update 4/01/2023

Bug Fixes
Optimized a lot of various JavaScript code for further stability

Content Additions
Add compatibility for Steam Deck!

Chance for Subscribers to win a Canvas Map!

We are holding a contest for our newsletter subscribers for a chance to win our new canvas map of the World of Tenamyr! This 2nd Edition Map will feature new areas following our work on The Great Gaias and Gjallarhorn including places of interest within the Osirian Empire and the Old World. The map itself is printed onto high quality canvas and is 18” x 24”.

Anyone wishing to enter the contest, which will be a random number generator, need only subscribe to our newsletter following this link here or clicking the image above. It is no surprise that we are doing our best to create a ruckus preemptively before our Kickstarter for The Codex Eternal: Campaign Setting.

Visit our website for the full article here.