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Spaceship Commander News

Minig Drone Mk-2 [UPDATE]

A small update has been released:
A new mining drone (and a module to launch it) has been added. It has an impressive cargo hold. Extraction is conduct by the good old way - with a bucket. Buckets are in fashion in any weather!

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Ability System [Update]

A new system of abilities (perks) has been added to the game. Thanks to this system, the game will have more and more updates with different new units and their various abilities.
However, the old mechanics have also been changed and work on the new ability system - for example, the ore mining mechanic of the mining drone now works on the new system, although outwardly this has not changed.

Some perks start the so-called "process", for example, the aforementioned drone, when using the "mine ore" perk, starts the mining process (when the drone reaches the ore vein), we can now see the current status of this process (a new process slider has appeared under the HP slider, which filled in as the process progresses).

Mining process

Unloading process

This update also added a new crew member "Medic" who has the "heal" ability. He can heal both himself and other crew members. Although he is very poorly armed.

It is planned to release a wide variety of perks and specializations: resource extraction, construction, crafting, equipment maintenance, military specializations, science, etc.
Also, in the next updates, a system for crew members level up will probably appear.

The update also includes some bug fixes and improvements:
- The cost of repairing ships has been reduced by 3 times.
- Fixed a nasty bug when hovering over resource veins did not hover/highlight.
- The system for orders to units has been reworked (although outwardly this is again hardly noticeable).
- Now, when hovering over different objects (for example, a box), an action is displayed near to the cursor, that the selected unit can perform. For example, if you have selected a crew member and hovered over a box, you will see a hand icon, which means that the selected unit can interact with this box.
- Fixed a bug when player can to give an order to an enemy marines capsule to board its own carrier ship, although probably few people knew about this possibility :)
- Slightly increased the display time of the scoreboard showing the addition / decrease of credits.

Now, having this basis, I will start developing and implementing new abilities and new units!
And of course there will be new bug fixes and other minor improvements.

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Mining drone [Lore]

The Mining Drone in game Spaceship Commander is an automated unit capable of mining minerals from veins that come to the surface. Cheapness, lack of a pilot, autonomy and the ability to load a drone on almost any ship, even a small one, made this model very common.

Mining drone

Iron ore (vein)

Copper ore (vein)

Mining process

The drone is equipped with a cone drill, in which carbide cutters are installed. In the process of drilling, the cutters knock out pieces of rock that break off and scatter, at the same time they are picked up by a powerful compressor and pumped into the drone like a vacuum cleaner. Further, the rock moving through the channels inside the body to the distributor and pours out into the cargo body.


To unload the mined rock is used a telescopic connector, which is connected, for example, to a ship, after which the contents are quickly unloaded without any buckets and other uncomfortable and outdated things. Although, in principle, the drone can also be unloaded with a bucket, because its cargo body is open.

Mining drone unloads the contents into the ship

The drone is controlled like a usual unit. For order to start mining, you need to send him to an ore vein (iron, copper, etc.). After its cargo body is filled, it will automatically go to the ship for unloading. In order for the drone to appear on your ship, you need a mining module. Remember that not every ship is equipped with a slot for this module.

Ship classes

There are several classes of ships, they differ in size, durability, crew capacity🤺, slots for modules, as well as hold capacity🧳 and the amount of generated base energy⚡

Marines capsule improved [Update]

Has been released the update that has significantly redesigned Marines Capsules.
Now the capsule can be given orders - to board, return to the ship, unload mariners (when docked).

To return your troops to your ship - select the crew members and send them to the capsule (RMB). After they get into the capsule, select it and give to capsule the order "Return to ship". The capsule will undock from the enemy ship and go to your ship.

Also has been added the ability to capture an enemy marines module and escape from enemy ship on his capsule. To do this, simply send your mariners inside the enemy marines module (RMB), in fact, how it is work with player marines module. After your guys sit in the module, it will be captured and you can give him the orders to launch the capsule (unless of course If the enemy has not spent them before you)

Other changes and bug fixes:
- Enemy crew members now correctly attack the doors on the player's ship. Also, the player's crew members now more correctly attack the doors on the enemy ship.
- The shooting distance of the crew members has been changed. Now the crew members do not run "head on to ram" but keep the firing distance if the target is in the visibility zone. Also, the distance of aggression for the crew members of the enemy and the player was a bit increased.
- Improved overall control by crew members. Now they can attack enemy modules. They can be recalled from combat (RMB) and they don't "stick" on some objects as they used to.
- Changed status-icons like "out of ammo", "no energy", etc. Fixed a bug when they rotate with the ship.
- Fixed a bug when a crew member was sitting in the landing module and when the ship was destroyed, he "fell out into space". Now the crew member will be destroyed.
- Fixed an not cool bug when a player could install 2 modules in the same slot.
- Fixed a rare, but also not cool bug when a player cannot buy a ship immediately after selling his own.
- Unit health bars are now displayed correctly
- Slightly corrected the description of the ship "Buffalo".
- Increased the amount of medicines in the medical module. He can now heal 500 health points.

Now I'm start work on the next update. A little later I will tell you what it will be)

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