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  3. Succulents, Bug fixes and more!

Succulents, Bug fixes and more!

Seismic activity!

Another Earthquake has hit Florens! Thankfully this time it didn't cause as much chaos for the residents, but a new volcanic island has formed close to Kieran's camp!

If you're in year 5 you will find this new island and close to it a new friend! Luiza and their giant turtle friend Sasha have come to Florens and can teach you all about Succulents.

New Crop: Succulents

Succulents are an exciting new plant you will now be able to grow. It comes in many different shapes and colors and are great for decoration!

You can use them to craft new succulent furniture and succulent decorations or leave them on the ground to brighten your farm. To harvest and pickup succulents you need Garden Gloves, which Luiza can also teach you about.

Instead of planting seeds, Succulents are propagated through succulent leaves. You first assemble a succulent tray to then grow a succulent seedling which you can then move to soil and grow into a mature succulent.

With Succulents also come Succulent Pets! You can trade succulent leaves with Luiza to receive a new Succulent Pet, there are many different colors and personalities to find so you can always come back to trade more!

Soil Remover

Due to certain circumstances, tilled soil could become stuck in the game forever, so we added a new tool called Soil Remover. As the name suggests you can use the Soil Remover to turn tilled soil back into regular terrain ground.

Alphabet Workbench: Words

You can now craft different words in the Alphabet Workbench.

Fixes and Other Notes

Huge thank you to our discord mods and beta testers who have been helping us find/catalogue and confirm the bug reports.

  • Fixed an issue where Elizabeth's overalls would appear in the world before her shop is bought.
  • On the River Map, adjusted Egg #6 position so it's no longer fully underground.
  • Fixed an issue that caused snow to fall every day during winter on the River Map.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the crafting of "Paper Plants" in the Flower Workbench after the "Paper Plants" quest.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the crafting of the Cloud Foundation in the Workbench after finishing the Magic Beans quest-line.
  • Fixed an issue with the magic mannequin that would cause errors when using it with accessories.
  • It is now possible to sell the Fish Drying Rack
  • Harvesting message for the wheat field now says "Harvest Wheat Field"
  • Signs that would before say "Harvest Carrots" now should say "Read Sign"
  • Fixed some dialogue in some quests which didn't match what the quest was asking/trying to convey.

Thank you!