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  2. News
  3. Bounty Battle Improvements - Now Live on Steam!

Bounty Battle Improvements - Now Live on Steam!

Hi everyone!

Since last week's launch the developers of Bounty Battle have been hard at work behind the scenes. Their dedication to the game and the community that has supported them has ensured that they are working tirelessly to make more fixes and updates.

Thanks to the community's constructive advice, we're pleased to bring you some fixes and improvements for the Steam version.

Here is a full list of fixes:

AI balancing throughout the game
Difficulty balancing on Challenge/tournament modes.
Reduced Slow motion effect upon character death
Menu fixes surrounding incorrect Keyboard prompts J and ESC
Tutorial fixes surround incorrect keyboard inputs C to P
Animation bugs fixed on The Penitent One
Look out for the platform Icon in new platform levels.
Added platforms to Tower arena
Added platforms to Ruins arena
Added platforms to Tetrobot arena
Added platforms to Hermetic arena
Added platforms to Awesomnauts arena
Added platforms to Oddmar arena

They're also working on console fixes that will be coming in the future.

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the community for your patience, feedback and understanding and ask that you keep the feedback coming as we continue to work on further improvements for the game!
