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  3. Boss Update!

Boss Update!

Hey Furious Seas Community!

Future Immersive is excited to introduce you to the next chapter of the Crimson Bandit Saga. After defeating the Demon Sisters, Marie & Sadie Bonnie, and collecting the bounty on their heads, venture to Hangman’s Plateau to cross the next name off your list. Head over to our Beta Branch to check it out for yourself!

Accessing the Beta

On The Furious Seas Page, Go to Settings > Properties

Under the Beta tab, Enter the following code to unlock the Press Preview branch:

Check Code, Select the Press branch, Update and Enjoy!

Be sure to leave us your feedback on any of our community channels!

Meet Captain Edward “BOOM” Drake

Captain Boom has been seen holding out in his fort after burning down half the surrounding villages.
Getting him to come out of hiding is no simple task. Boom's fort is heavily armed and protected by his vanguard. You'll need to get his attention to draw him out. Burning down some of that old geezer's gunpowder outposts ought to send a clear enough message.

[h2]New Level Content:[/h2]

Play through a new 2 part mission on your quest to eliminate the Crimson Bandits

[h3]Part 1:[/h3]
  • Sail through a beautiful new map on a overcast sea
  • Find & Destroy all the Cannon Towers to draw Boom out of hiding
  • Sink & Plunder all the enemy ships

[h3]Part 2:[/h3]
  • Blast your way through an even bigger map as you make your way towards Boom's fort
  • Take out Captain Boom's Vanguard
  • Destroy Boom's fort, but be careful, these Cannon Towers pack an extra punch
  • Blast Captain Boom out of the sky and into his watery grave

[h2]Additional Content Update:[/h2]
  • Enjoy enhanced lighting and atmosphere on previous levels

[h2]Known Issues:[/h2]
  • Some audio dialogue is out of sync in the Captain Boom mission
  • Captain Boom can get stuck on some island Geo
  • Enemy Sea Mines are not deploying
  • Sometimes player Sea Mines don't float when tossed into the water

We will be releasing a patch later this week to address these issues, Stay tuned!


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