1. Tribe XR | DJ Academy
  2. News
  3. Tribe 0.10.7 is now Live

Tribe 0.10.7 is now Live

0.10.7 Release Notes:

* Added new lessons from Carl Cox in partnership with the Pete Tong DJ Academy.

* Added Phase Meter to the mixer screen that you can toggle alongside or instead of waveforms. Displays the current 4 bar beat position

* Added the ability to spectate video calls without also sharing video/audio
* Added volume sliders for video calls

* Added Control VFX setting to enable game mode visual FX in freeplay

* Fixed Drum Machine behaviors to properly replicate in multiplayer

* Pressing the reset button (A/X) while holding the cue button now continues playback as if you had pressed the play button (allows one handed use and the ability to cue playback in desktop mode)

* Can now show Twitch chat without having a video call active

* Misc bug fixes