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CRSED: Cuisine Royale News

Airborne Troopers

Today you’ll be able to feel what it’s like to jump down from the skies above and choose where to start your battle on the fields of CRSED: F.O.A.D.

In the “Airborne Assault Force” mode, all players start in a flying car (yes, the dark gods like to joke). You can jump out of the car any moment - all champions have jetpacks equipped. And then, you are on your own: free to choose your speed of descent, decide on whether to jump on another player at the point of touching down to the ground, or covertly fly into a remote location and equip yourself with favourable loot.

Naturally, starting jetpacks will be taken away following your descent, so feel free to use all the fuel while you can!

The “Airborne Assault Force” mode is a squad mode and can be selected from the main mode selection menu. We are still running special events in the test mode without separate leaderboards or rewards.

Game Of Crowns!

Players need to find a shining crown and wear it for a period of 3 minutes. During this time, you must defend against others trying to steal it, and your right to be king.

Crown bearers will be unable to use rituals and abilities, nor transport, but they will be able to resurrect once, if killed, while wearing the crown.

The champion who manages to wear the crown for 3 minutes will leave the fight as a winner, following which the crown will respawn.

Naturally, winners will receive cool rewards.


In the “Revenant!” solo event, a player who has 100 or more sinner souls will be automatically resurrected at the random bonfire within a safe circle in exactly the same way it happens in squad mode if saved by your teammates. It’s a nice chance to loot again and avenge your killer! Also it will make battles more intense.

To degrade the life of bush campers who would try to wait by bonfires, every player upon resurrection will get temporary invisibility and immunity the same as in the Itz Ocelotl ability.

So, hurry and collect enough souls to ensure one more chance in case of a slip. And remember, a cosmetic chest is also guaranteed for you in the event.

Death is not final!

Sharpshooters Brawl

A special “Sharpshooters Brawl" mode has been activated in the game today!
Run for a win:

Weapons loaded with 1 round of ammo spawn in the area.
After a shot is fired, the weapon disappears from your hands.
You can't pick up more than 1 weapon.
Respawns are unlimited.
The one who kills more enemies in the given time wins.
Keep your eyes open, be careful, and good luck!

70% discount on Crowns!

Spring is coming and prices are melting. Unbelievable 70% discount on the main premium currency of the game - Golden Crowns! They give you a lot of options: unlocking Heroes, boosting upgrades, buying Battle Passes, founder's subsciption and much more.

Discount is available from March 26th to May 8th on Steam and Gaijin.Net!