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  2. News
  3. Patch v0.21.4

Patch v0.21.4

I usually make only fixes and do not add any new features in patches in between updates, however since many new players are joining and trying out the game I decided to process feedback faster and implement features that do not require big changes to the game as soon as possible.

One of those features was the request to decouple some side boosters without needing additional decouplers to match the behavior “Proton” or “Souz” rockets have. And now you can easily do that.

Just select new decouple mode in the part configuration

And enjoy the new behaviour. No additional decouplers required!

Other than that, I updated some outdated information in tutorials. And made several fixes that will make the game more stable.

[h2]v0.21.4 release notes[/h2]

🔸 added additional configuration to side boosters Side Fuel Block and Conic Fuel Block so they can be decoupled from rocket without using a dedicated decoupler;
🔸 added one more time warp step in between 1 day and 1 month, equal to 1 week;
🔸 added toggle to orbit stats panel that switches orbit inclination display mode from the ecliptic to equatorial plane and vice versa;

🔸 re-enable thrust limiter slider for all engines in the engine parameters window during the flight.
🔸 all "Reach orbit" contracts now have correct inclination set relative equatorial plane (previously was incorrectly set to ecliptic plane);
🔸 Molniya and Tundra contracts now have correct periapsis and orbital periods;

🔸 Molniya and Tundra contracts can't be completed;
🔸 game stuck after completing any "Reach orbit" contract and trying to exit to main menu or quit the game;
🔸 crash when changing from select mode to grab mode removing previously selected part and switching back to select mode;
🔸 sometimes there is no missing fuel warning displayed when attaching some engines to the fuel tank that have no required fuel for them;
🔸 mods list window have no background;
🔸 navball is black in the navball mod scene;
🔸 some translation strings are missing;
🔸 some tutorial steps have outdated information;
🔸 fixed missing caption in one of the advanced tutorials

[h3]Known issues::[/h3]
🔸 switching pass resources mode in the attached parts using “Select” tool, doesn’t work (mode switches, but part continue to work in the previous mode);
🔸 geostationary orbit contract references ecliptic plane instead of equatorial one;