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  3. Save up to 80% on Encased

Save up to 80% on Encased

[h3]Dear Subscribers,

Encased is part of the Steam Autumn Sale and is now up to 80% off!

The sale lasts from today to January 05th, so don't miss your chance to join C.R.O.N.U.S. and discover the world under the Dome! [/h3]


[h3]And if one amazing RPG adventure isn’t enough for you, the Narrative Bundle is still availalbe also until January 5th! [/h3]

[h3]If you are interested in seeing which other titles from our publisher
Prime Matter are participating, check out their sales page here:[/h3]

Encased community is the most important for us - we are going to follow up closely for your feedback on the game.


Click Follow to stay updated!

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Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG

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Dark Crystal Games

:RideCheck: Dark Crystal Games dev page on Steam
:RideCheck: Press Center (presskit and publications)
:RideCheck: Dark Crystal Games (news and jobs)
:RideCheck: Artstation (art production and stories)

Black Tower Publishing
:tower: Black Tower Publishing on Steam
:tower: Black Tower's Blog