1. Siberian Dawn
  2. News
  3. Still Here ?

Still Here ?

[h2]Hello Again

It has been a while since the last update about what I am doing so I thought I better post something to let people know I am still here. I seemed to be a lot more excited about the 5.0 than anyone else and went on a bit about what was coming with the build up to its release last year, but then if I am not the most excited about what I am doing then there is probably something wrong with what I am doing. So with the 6.0 release I am not going to be doing a big road to 6.0 discussion but below I will cover what is planned for this next big release.

[h2]Crisis Mode [/h2]

I am currently working on Crisis mode, the final game mode for Siberian Dawn, and it is going well. It uses the normal Mission structure with the player completing a series of Objectives to stop a crisis, but with a few changes placed on top to give a new twist to the game. The Mission will have series of Crisis Points where you will be given a choice of which Objective you want to tackle next, and these Objectives will have a set of actions that will earn or lose you Objective Points. When you have reached the target Objective total by completing these actions then you will get another Crisis Point. Each Crisis Point will also have a set of modifications to the ongoing Mission and will also give you points towards resolving the Crisis. Once you have reached the target Crisis value you will then get the Final Crisis objective.

Work is progressing well on this mode, I am currently building the Objective lists, and there will be two unique Crisis with 6.0, one for the Core game and one for Chapter 1.

[h2]Heroes of the Union

The other big part of the 6.0 update will be the Heroes of the Union DLC. This pack will add 8 new Rank 7 units to the Union forces to add new tactics to your game. You will have options for how to add these powerful units to the Union market, if you want to replace the original two rank 7’s or add them all into the mix. These units are all designed now and need the art doing for the cards, but will be a big part of the 6.0 update.

[h2]And There We Go

So there you have it, I am still doing things on Siberian Dawn but just not going on so much about it now as before. There are some other projects I am also working on that I am excited about but we will just let them remain private for now
