1. Steven the Sperm
  2. News

Steven the Sperm News

Update 1.3.2

Hey everybody, here's a quick little update on the game:
  • Added a link to the Perfect Acorn Discord server in the extras section. We've been going through a lot of changes recently, and this is where we're most active... our YouTube + newsletter is a ghost town, and I turned the Twitter into a troll account, so uh... yeah, this is the best place to get live updates on things at the moment.
  • Updated the tutorial to show that you can dash with the shift key.
  • Fixed an issue on the Extras menu where the textbox under the 5 Challenges button overlapped the back button, making it harder to leave the menu.
  • Updated Unity version to 2017.4.35f1. Wow! That's a 0.0.3 improvement from the previous version!

The demo has also been updated to include the 5 Challenges stage, as well as checkpoints.

Thanks for playing! Sorry about the lack of sperm puns, I haven't been feeling it lately... which is funny, because I turned 18 earlier this month. Or maybe that explains it, I don't know...

But yet again, thanks to everybody still playing! If you want more content, leave a review, start a discussion, whatever!

Having Trouble with Steven's Rotation? Try the new branch! (+1.3.1 update)

Do you have trouble controlling Steven? Many people do. I stand by Steven's movement with a sort of "get-good" mentality, but admittedly, this has been an issue not just post-release, but even while the game was being developed internally in Perfect Acorn.

Well now there's a solution! Simply:
  1. Right click STS in your library and click "properties".
  2. Go to the 'betas' tab, click the dropdown list, and choose "rotation".
  3. Download the update and start playing!

I hope this helps make STS a more enjoyable experience for those of you who were having trouble.

There was also a new update for all users, 1.3.1. Here's the changelog:
  • The 5 Challenges stage now has music.
  • Updated the Acorn logo on the splash screen.
  • First run Acorn logo now says copyright 2019 instead of 2018.

Yeah, that's about it.

Us here at Perfect Acorn are working on lots of cool stuff. It's just all very early and we're going through senior year of highschool, so it may be a bit bumpy!

Love ya'll. - New Acorn Logo

Hey everybody! Here's a pretty minor update:

  • New Acorn logo. I made the old one a long time ago. It was crooked. It was bad. This one is good.
  • Updated Unity version from 2017.3 to 2017.4.whatever.LTS. It really doesn't matter, I doubt it improved performance, and I don't think it changed system requirements. Just thought I'd say.
  • Got rid of Unity analytics. Apparently I turned them on at some point. I never knew I did. I turned them off not only because I don't use them and don't want you guys to have to worry about data collection, but maybe having them on would require me to say some legal crap I've never said.
  • Removed some unused assets.


Wow. I can't believe it.


I wanna take this moment to once again thank everybody who came out of nowhere to support Perfect Acorn. Just a year ago, I never would've imagined ANYBODY would even find our game, much less actually go and play it.

Steven the Sperm is the first game we've ever published, and it's been a wild ride. We have so many great memories of updating and improving the game, making a bunch of stupid little mistakes, and even watching the random lets-players who we've never even met actually take the time to sit down, play the game, and make a video on it. Just because we aren't a triple-A title, doesn't mean we haven't accomplished so much.

Special Thanks to These People:

Zero Tolerance, ImTheSelected, KingJohn, and Dackson - These are the lets-players (or at least video makers) we're talking about - if you guys are actually still keeping up with the game, let me just extend my biggest possible thanks to you guys, and I hope you guys like how the game has progressed! We've compiled a playlist of all their videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-t-SdUM-1xs4FyBa67Z-mD-6MDxskLj9

NgheeApprentice - The first person to join the Public Perfect Acorn Discord Server!


Update 1.3 - NEW TIMED SCORES!

You know, I noticed that STS isn't really about getting that money (shot), it's more about being quick... which would be bad in real life, but you know.... I decided to make some accommodations:

  • HIGHSCORE BOARD FOR TIMES! Focus on getting the perfect time rather than getting points!

    Note that existing save data will not be ranked on the time board. To get a ranking, either reset your current progress or complete your existing game and play again.

    Also note that no empty entries marked "-" will be in the time board for previous players. This is because these empty entries are set up when the game is first run - don't worry though, the board is still operational with 10 spaces.

  • You can change whether or not you'd prefer to see the score board or the time board first when you click on High Scores. Check the options menu.
  • Fixed an INCREDIBLY dumb mistake that caused the time used to calculate the medals to be about one second longer than your actual stage time. That's because it didn't truly stop the timer until the "Stage Complete!" thing popped up. Yeah. That was dumb.
  • Timer now displays milliseconds for greater precision.
  • Fixed a medal exploit. Won't go into any more detail than that.
  • Minor spelling correction in one of the endings.

STS is still alive! Please share us with your friends (with consent of course).