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  2. News
  3. An upcoming otome game: Moonstone Remix

An upcoming otome game: Moonstone Remix

With Tailor Tales completed (don't worry, Gray's DLC and Aiden's full route will be coming in the future, and Eeyok's route is still being worked on), it is time to work on my next game; Moonstone Remix.

A lot of players mentioned that they enjoyed playing Aiden's route because they really liked the Chaos Chat interactions. They enjoyed how immersive it felt, and even if they didn't particularly liked Aiden himself, they enjoyed the chatting and interacting with friends.

Moonstone Remix takes that concept and runs with it; it's a fully fledged chat simulation game.

You will end up playing a fake MMORPG (a game within a game!) where you will meet other players. You can party up with these players and eventually form friendships with them. You can then interact with them outside of the game through a chatting app called Chaos Chat. Here you can befriend or romance them - and even ask them to meet up with you in person!

There will be 6 main characters to date from the start, but many more other secondary characters will be added as well.

There will be a lot of character customization available, as I want the player to feel as immersed as possible. From your name, looks, gender, to the emojis you use in the chat. Everything is up to you.

If you enjoyed Tailor Tales, make sure to wishlist Moonstone Remix as well!