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Musashi vs Cthulhu News

Final launch on May 16th!

Get ready for the final battle against Cthulhu!

After months of improvements and adjustments, Musashi has finally reached its final form! From May 16th, Musashi vs Cthulhu will be available in its full version, leaving Steam's Early Access.

[h3]Fight endlessly:[/h3]
  • Frenetic gameplay that will demand your attention and reflexes
  • 6 different enemies to meet and master
  • Challenge your friends in weekly, monthly and all-time leaderboards

[h3]A Thank You[/h3]

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the players who participated in the Early Access version. Your feedback and suggestions have been instrumental in shaping Musashi vs Cthulhu into the amazing game it is today.

Thanks to your participation, we have implemented several improvements. Also, your patience and trust in our work during this time.

Join us on this unforgettable adventure!

Musashi vs Cthulhu awaits you from May 16th on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4/5, Xbox One and Series S | X.

Change Log v0.3

We are back! We are finally back working on Musashi vs Cthulhu :). We are happy to present version 0.3!

New Features:
  • Fast Attack Bonus Score: A new way to increase your Score. Awarded when killing enemies fast. The more you queue your commands, the bigger the bonus points!

  • Fast Start: There’s now an option to have a faster start on your plays. After you score at least 120 points, the game will automatically set you to Fast Start, you can choose to turn it on or off on the Options Menu.

  • Compendium: A compendium screen has been added, here you can learn a bit more about the characters and their backstory. The screen will also show some statistics (Ammount of monster killed, times defeated by each monster, how many plays etc)

  • Surpass Warning. A message will announce when you surpass someone at the Leaderboard. You can customize what leaderboard to show or turn it off too.

  • New Leaderboard host: To prepare for an eventual release on consoles, we are now using another Leaderboard host. Unfortunately this means that the current scores will be wiped out (we hope this is the only time we do that).

  • Navigation through Menus: You can now use Esc (or respective Gamepad button) to automatically close menus.

  • Navigation through Leaderboards: Using the arrows on the sides you will be able to see all of the LB’s entries.

  • Improved Achievement Screen: Finally a way to see what each of your war trophies represents in terms of achievements.

Bug Fixes:
  • Movement Dust VFX no longer occurs when starting new runs;

  • Credits update to show the tools we used to make the game and new members.
  • MacOSX support.

Change Log v0.2.4

This is our first update since release! We added some new features to make the experience a bit deeper and a whole lot of fixes.

New Features:
  • Kill Streak System - Item #1 from our list of EA (early access) features, this will keep track of how many enemies you killed before taking a hit or missing an attack. If you reach certain values, you’ll be awarded bonus points.
  • Score Bonus Notifications - Item #2 from our list of EA features, this is a partial implementation to comport the Kill Streak Bonus points, more bonus points will be implemented later to finish this feature.
  • Random starting place for Musashi - Item #5 from our list of Early Access features, this will make Musashi start on a different place on the map every time a new game starts.;
  • Seamless Tutorial for first-time players - Now, when players turn the game on for the first time, they will be directed to the Tutorial and then automatically to the gameplay;

Bug Fixes:
  • Text from Pause and Options changed to white;
  • Player won’t attack involuntarily if unpausing with “A”;
  • Highscore now won’t be shared if you play the game with two Steam accounts in the same PC;
  • Score update to Leaderboards fixed when closing the game using “X”;

  • Addition of Game Analytics, we will now collect data from your plays to improve our knowledge of the game and this will help us build more precise gameplay elements (Just to be extra clear on this, this will only collect gameplay data and it’s entirely anonymous… nothing of your personal info is being collected.);
  • Enemy spawn initial rebalance, this will make the waves more homogeneous and won’t impede Insects from spawning on harder levels;
  • New fonts for Japanese and Korean were added.
  • Access to the changelog bullet points inside the game;

Welcome to our Discord Server!

Hello people!

It has been almost a month since the release of Musashi vs Cthulhu and we think that it was enough time for people to play the game! So let’s start this Early access community thing!

Please join the discussion on our Discord server: https://discord.gg/TQJ7tvC

We are listing here all the features we will commit on doing during our Early Access. Everything else we commented will depend on getting new players and increasing our community. So, please, help us bring more people to our journey, because we have a lot of ideas for the game and we’d love to see it done!

But, without further delay here’s the list of features, below I’ll post each with a brief explanation of our plans, please join the conversation and let us know your toughts!

Early Access Feature List

1- Combo System

Our plan for combo system is to give bonus points as you get more kills without being hit. We want to avoid multipliers (like Guitar Hero) to make records stay closer to each other.

The main idea (that’s being tested right now) is that, once you are hit or break your combo, you gain a % of the combo value. This % increases as your combos get bigger. This way we can award bigger combos without multiplying score.

2- Score Pop-up

This feature will be done somewhat in proximity with the combo system. It will show the player when they make bonus scores. We are also planning for other kinds of bonus points such as killing enemies quickly.

3 - Mini-Boss (Hound of Tindalos)

Well...this is self-explanatory :). We want to add a new enemy that is tougher than the other enemies and is fought one on one in the middle of the waves.

4- HP+/Stamina

We have some ideas here, but they are mostly under test. This feature is mapped as a way to increase your playtime if you make mistakes too soon. As a way to avoid restarting runs as you get hit on the first few enemies.

5- Random starting place for Musashi

Our scenery is quite big, but probably most players can’t see most of it. With this feature the player will start in other points of the stage, so you can enjoy more of the bg.

6- Enemy Flow Rework

The enemy flow might be rebalanced due to the addition of all these features.

7- A way to navigate through the Leaderboards

When you open the leaderboards, you can only see a handfull of entires. We want to increase options to allow player to see all the leaderboard.

8- Taunt

An experimental feature. We want to add an extra command where Musashi will taunt the enemies to increase his score. It will be a move with high risk, adding a risk/reward move to the game.

9- LeaderBoard Cut

We want players to interact more with other players through the Leaderboards. We wil be adding a message when you surpass another player on the leaderboard. You’ll be able to configure which leaderboard it affects (only friends, daily etc) or to turn it off. Here’s how it will look (still unfinished):

10- Lore and Stats

We will be adding an option on the menu to tell a bit more about the enemies Musashi face and to keep count of some stats. How many times Musashi killed or died from each kind of enemy.

11- Tooltip on Achievement Screen

Everyone now has an Achievement Room, where you can see some gruesome trophies Musashi collects along the way. We want to make it easier to identify what trophy refers to what achievement.

12- Difficulty levels

You are already too good at the game and don’t want to start at the bottom every time? No problem, we will add an option to start the game on faster waves to suit your current skill level.

13- Vfx+

New visual effects! We want to add more awesomeness to the game...let us know your ideas about that! Exploding heads? Slow motion? Let us know what’s your poison.