1. Rogue Fable III
  2. News
  3. Full Release!

Full Release!

Hello everyone!

Well, we finally did it! On December 22, 2021, after 3 and a half long years of work, Rogue Fable III finally reached full release status! I want to take this opportunity to give a big, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU to all of you have supported and encouraged me over the years, this would never have been possible without you!

Over the course of this project, I've gotten married, had my first child, and had to deal with all the stress and uncertainty of the last 2 years, but throughout all of this, the project, and the community built up around it has been a stable anchor in my life. The positive reviews, the comments and feedback, the banter on Discord, its really kept me going through all the ups and downs, so again thank you all!

Moving forward, the past week and the next few days have been very busy. Releasing around the holidays was always going to be a bit challenging, and I've been quite busy with family, friends, and just generally resting, but I will be getting back to work this week and much more in the new year. I plan to spend at least the next month or two completely squashing every last bug and crash that still remains in the project and dealing with anything else questionable that managed to slip through to release.

After that, I'm planning on a few months of dedicated art practice since this turned out to be the major bottleneck during this project, and some focused work in this area should make the next game go smoother.

I already have a ton of ideas and design sitting around for the next project which will take the core combat loop of RFIII and really expand it out into a much larger, more expansive game and world. Those of you who were around for the experimental fork a few years ago will have some idea of what I'm planning.

One of the hardest parts of developing RFIII was ignoring all these interesting, ambitious ideas. Setting them aside and focusing on really polishing and refining the core gameplay, mechanics and user interface. So the next project will be taking RFIII as the starting point and really going all out, in many directions from there.

But that's all for the future, for now a bit more rest and then back to debugging! Please continue to report any bugs, crashes or other issues either here or in the Discord. I hope you've all been enjoyed your holidays and have a happy new year!
