1. Heroes of Fortunia
  2. News
  3. Version 0.7.0 Public Testing & Future Plans

Version 0.7.0 Public Testing & Future Plans

It has been a little over a year since Heroes of Fortunia first entered Early Access in April 2019. Since that time, we have been eager in working with the players by collecting feedback, both in-game and through other channels (community forums, Discord, surveys, ...) in order to make Heroes of Fortunia into the best version it can be.

In late 2019, we've stopped collecting new feedback and started devising a plan in order to realize the most requested features and improvements without delaying development too much. Over the last couple of months, we've been busy rebuilding core parts of the game in order to accommodate some of the new features that are to come.

We're still a long way from finishing 0.7.0, but we've felt that you've waited more than enough for a new version. The problem is, 0.7.0 in its current state is not fit for public release, as many things are still disconnected from each other or just outright don't work yet, this includes past features since many things are being redone entirely. Essentially, 0.7.0 is going to be like a new game.

The solution we've come up with is to create a separate "Public Testing" version of Heroes of Fortunia. This is different from Early Access in such a way that things change rapidly and drastically on a frequent basis. This does not only include features and game content, but also the economy, that is player currency, inventory, etc. since we are actively working on both the game and the server.

[h2]We're planning to enter 0.7.0 into public testing on August 2nd, and we'll make a separate announcement that day with instructions detailing how to participate.[/h2]

The full 0.7.0 update is expected to enter proper Early Access later this summer, and you'll be able to track live development process in the public testing version. Finally, we'd like to give you a rundown of our currently planned timeline, and some of the features you'll be able to expect in the future:

[h2]0.7.0 (summer 2020)[/h2]

  • Complete revamp of internal systems & server architecture
  • Complete UI redesign
  • Removal of Overtime
  • Removal of casual play until 0.8.0
  • Complete revamp of currency, store & component acquisition (no more lootboxes)
  • Component crafting temporarily removed until armory introduction in 0.8.0

[h2]0.8.0 (late 2020 / early 2021)[/h2]

  • Introduction of items for your heroes & crafting
  • Introduction of component upgrades
  • Introduction of new armory (includes store, collection, crafting menus, etc.)
  • Introduction of "creative mode" as the replacement for casual play
  • Introduction of player leveling
  • Complete hero redesign of the three major heroes (visual + abilities)

[h2]0.9.0 (early/mid 2021)[/h2]

  • Last big update before final release
  • Introduction of guilds
  • Introduction of tutorial for new players
  • Introduction of story mode

Note that this list only includes the biggest changes that are to come, and does not take into account smaller features. Note also that this list is not final, and items may be (re)moved and added later on during development. We will make separate announcements for the upcoming updates when the time has come, in order to elaborate some more on the new features that are listed here.

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank all those of you who have submitted extensive feedback, as most of the features we are currently working on, and planning to work on, have been inspired by you. We're looking forward to seeing you once public testing commences!