1. Chronos: Before the Ashes
  2. News
  3. Chronos Patch #1 - Bugfixes & Italian Language

Chronos Patch #1 - Bugfixes & Italian Language

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the player from locking on spawned trolls in Labyrinth
  • Fixed an issue that caused the rune blocks from the Mirror puzzle to dissapear after travelling to a different level instead of going through the mirror. The runes should now be placed in the puzzle accordingly.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the screen to start out in the main monitor in PC when starting in windowed mode. Also the game now starts in the main window by default
  • Updated the size of Space Bar, Shift, Ctrl and Alt brushes
  • Fixed an issue that was granting the achievements for spending 30 points in a stat when only 1 point was spent.
  • Updated fonts for different books and scroll so they are properly displayed in different languages
  • Now the stone statue in Pan Forest is able to go through doors.
  • The BFA achievement should now be unlocked if the rest of achievements were previously acquired.
  • The achievement "A Hard Choice" is now unlocked when picking up the krell axe or krell sword