1. Tails Noir: Prologue
  2. News
  3. Patch 1.1

Patch 1.1

Hey there! We’ve been busy at work, implementing features and tweaks that you’ve asked for (and more). It’s been a wild ride so far, and we’re so happy you folks are already showing so much passion for Backbone!

We have some more updates planned, but for now it’s time for us to sit down and get going on making Backbone the best it can be. The kind of game we will be proud to put our names on, and the kind of game you will be talking about ten years down the line.

To those of you who made it possible for us to come this far, our backers and early supporters: From the bottom of our hearts – Thank You.

Here’s a list of what we’ve improved:
- Settings menu for visuals and sound.
- Mac and Linux support.
- Controller support.
- Optimization.
- New fluid NPC animations.
- Alley truck puzzle polished.
- Dialogues edited for clarity and snappiness.
- New original song in The Bite.
- Tiny and big bug fixes.

To stay on top of all things Backbone, be sure to follow us here:

Twitter - https://twitter.com/backbonegame
Discord - https://discord.gg/backbone
Newsletter - https://eggnut.net/