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  3. Devlog: Finishing up the Titans Rising Update

Devlog: Finishing up the Titans Rising Update

Hello there, Companions!

As we're approaching the release of our biggest update yet, the Titans Rising Update, we wanted to share a summary of what you can expect to change when it goes live. We've been working on this update for one and a half years so we're extremely excited to finally reach the end of its development.

As the game currently stands, we're pretty happy with the battle mechanics and the big aspect that we've wanted to change for a long time already is the world map gameplay. While the foundation is here, the overworld lacks clear direction and progression, as well as it is hard to balance properly, due to the procedural generation approach.

With the Titans Rising Update we're remaking the World Map from the ground up. The whole map will be carefully handmade with various areas and biomes to explore. On top of that we're introducing a fully-fledged storyline with cutscenes, NPCs, side-quests and most importantly, the main story with vital choices. We don't want to spoil it here, as we'd love for you to experience it first-hand.

Anyhow, let's finish up this lengthy introduction and go over the major changes and new additions that you'll find in the Titans Rising Update.

[h2]New World Map[/h2]

The biggest upfront difference (apart from the overhauled main menu) will surely be the new world map visuals, along the fact that we're scrapping the old procedural generation approach in favor of a finely handmade continent with much more variation and carefully balanced biome layouts. Additionally we'll be strategically placing various enemy spawn zones, which will allow us to balance the progression and difficulty curve in a much easier manner.

On top of those changes, we're adding a bunch of new types of Interactive Objects, as well as brand new Resource Outposts and a Fog of War mechanic on the world map.

[h2]Main Storyline[/h2]

The story in Glorious Companions revolves around the mysterious Titan statues scattered across the land and the nearby shores. One day the Titans begin to slowly awake and the whole continent is thrown into chaos. Amidst it all the player tries to forge their own path to glory.

As mentioned above, we don't want to spoil you the fun of experiencing the story, and thus we won't go into more details here.

This update will introduce the Prologue and the First Act along with a lot of main and side quests to complete. You'll be able to explore the Grassland Biome as well as the Swamp Biome, with further areas unlocking in a future update.

The story will feature both various recurring NPCs as well as cut-scenes that we've put some effort into making them visually enticing.

To make the story progression easier to track we'll be adding a Journal where you'll be able to read through your previous quests and see your current objectives in more detail.

Additionally we'd like to add a way to browse through tutorials via the same UI panel, so you'll be able to go back to crucial information at the time when it's relevant to you.


This is a feature that we've been teasing for quite some time already and with the Titans Rising Update you'll be able to challenge the defenders of 2 tough dungeons, with each one ending in an exciting boss fight.

While exploring a dungeon you'll be faced by a series of encounters with increasing difficulty. If you lose a battle or decide to leave the dungeon before the final fight, you'll have to restart it from the beginning. In-between each battle you'll have a chance to heal up your units or make some crucial roster changes.

[h2]New Enemies[/h2]

Along with the addition of new dungeons and new storyline acts, we'll be adding in new enemies with their own abilities and play styles. While providing a fair challenge, they will also drop unique loot if you manage to beat them.

[h2]New Battle Locations[/h2]

With this upcoming update we'll be introducing a plethora of new battle locations. First of all, each biome will have a bunch of dedicated battle zones of various sizes. Then there'll also be unique battle maps appearing throughout the storyline to make the whole experience more memorable.

On top of that each dungeon will come with its own set of maps, scaling up their epicness factor right up to the final boss stage.

[h2]New Camping Actions[/h2]

We've decided to remove the old placeholder Camping action of prisoner watching and instead introduced a new unique action for each of the playable races. The Scarres will be able to perform Blood Rituals and sacrifice their blood in exchange for random buffs for up to three units. And the Valrenay will receive the Prayer action that allows one selected unit to also gain a random buff. Bare in mind that sometimes the will of fate might turn against your favor, and your unit(s) will receive a curse instead of a buff.

[h2]Wounds & Blood[/h2]

We've felt like our companions' looks after a tough battle didn't exactly correspond to their HP bars. To make the encounters seem more impactful, wounds and blood will be now visible both on the 3D unit models as well as on their portraits.

[h2]New Main Menu[/h2]

To celebrate all the grand changes coming in the Titans Rising Update we felt that the main menu also had to be overhauled. With the new look we're aiming to better convey the atmosphere of Glorious Companions, the hardships of a mercenary life and the companionship it creates among the crew members.

[h2]New Music[/h2]
The new atmospheric soundtrack we've teased a long time ago will finally find it's way into the game. Give it a listen and let us know what you think!

[h2]New promo/cover art[/h2]

As some of you might've already noticed, we've gone and replaced our promo assets on Steam. While the old artwork was well done, it didn't seem to convey the heart of Glorious Companions, and so we've decided to remake it. We'd love to learn what you think of the new cover art!

Let us know your thoughts in the comments and remember to follow the game for more updates!

Thank you,