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  2. News
  3. Weekly Report #200

Weekly Report #200

[h3]12 April 2019[/h3]
A group of enthusiasts from the south of Poland are launching a fundraiser on Kickstarter. The aim is to raise funds for the creation of a game for which they have been collecting materials for many months. However, it wasn't the usual research involving scouring the internet for reference material. In order to lay the foundations for their latest creation, the team traveled more than 1,000 kilometers east. To Ukraine. To Chernobyl.


[h3]28 April 1986[/h3]
An experiment was carried out in the renovated power unit No. 4, the purpose of which was to show how long (after a possible failure) the power plant would be able to produce energy for its own operation. The duration of the experiment was planned only for a minute.

Tests started at 01:23. Almost a minute later, the pressure of steam led to the first explosion - the anti-radiation dome was blown up, and the building of block four was demolished. The second explosion took place at 01:24. Only a crater remains from what once was the fourth reactor.


The fire brigade arrived shortly after the fire broke out. The firefighters were convinced they were dealing with an ordinary situation, a fire on the roof of the power plant. Units from Chernobyl and Pripyat arrived there and the fight with fire lasted several hours, until the very morning. They were extinguished by dozens of units, well over a hundred firefighters in total.

The entire local population was evacuated - first within a radius of 10 km from the crash site, then it was extended to 30 km in the following days. Approximately 350,000 people were evacuated, including those from Pripyat, which is today known as a “ghost town”.

38 years later, the memory of the Chernobyl events is still alive. For many years the Chernobyl disaster has been the subject of many publications - historical and scientific articles, reports, analysis. Over time, the history of Chernobyl and the place itself began to be used in other media - movies, TV series. And also video games.

[h3]24 April 2019[/h3]
Just nine days after the launch of the Kickstarter campaign, we are informing everyone that the required minimum amount has been raised. Work on Chernobylite has officially kicked off. All sketches, plans and concepts are slowly coming to fruition. But this is not the end of the story. The ongoing fundraising is uncovering more milestones, and that means new content that needs to be created and added to the game. The project is growing.


[h3]16 October 2019[/h3]
Chernobylite saw the light of day for the first time in early access. And while the game is still in its infancy at this stage, plenty of things will still be tweaked and changed in the coming months, it is being met with mostly positive feedback alone. Players have particularly praised Chernobylite for its detailed reproduction of Chernobyl in even the smallest detail. We are not resting on our laurels. There is still a long way to go.


[h3]28 July 2021[/h3]
Big day for us - Chernobylite is officially leaving Early Access! The game almost entirely resembles what we showed just two years earlier. Improved graphics, a new story, additional characters, additional content, new and improved locations and a finished ending - this and more was already ready for release. Over the following months, we have been fixing bugs reported by players and delivering new content to the game. We are giving these major innovations to players in the form of DLC completely free of charge.


[h3]26 April 2024[/h3]
You have been with us from the very beginning. You followed all the information about the game, which we passed on to you in the form of reports. In 199 posts on Steam, we showed you the entire creative process, the ins and outs of game development, behind the scenes and interesting facts. We also told you about everything related to the very place without which the game would not have been created - Chernobyl. About its history, the events of almost 40 years ago, and our memories of traveling to the site. You read and commented on all the entries with equal enthusiasm.

Today's 200th report is somewhat symbolic. First of all because we are publishing it on the 38th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. This event not only had an impact on the modern world, but also on pop culture as well. Without it, games like Chernobylite would never have existed.

The 200th report is also the last. It's been a fantastic journey and we hope it's also been very informative for all of you. We have to admit that, in preparing posts for you each week, it was not uncommon for us to learn something ourselves.

But it's not like we're abandoning Chernobylite! Keep following us on Steam and on our social media. We still have a few outstanding issues to resolve. And there are also brand new, exciting challenges ahead of us. And we sincerely hope you will join us on this new journey. Where to?

[h2]You'll find out soon enough...[/h2]

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